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Author:Anderson, Richard G. 

Journal Article
The FOMC in 1978

Monetary Trends , Issue Aug

Journal Article
A historical perspective on the Federal Reserve's monetary aggregates: definition, construction and targeting

Review , Issue Mar , Pages 1-31

Working Paper
Retail sweep programs and bank reserves, 1994--1999

Since January 1994, the Federal Reserve Board has permitted depository institutions in the United States to implement so-called retail sweep programs. The essence of these programs is computer software that dynamically reclassifies customer deposits between transaction accounts, which are subject to statutory reserve requirement ratios as high as 10 percent, and money market deposit accounts, which have a zero ratio. Through the use of such software, hundreds of banks have sharply reduced the amount of their required reserves. In some cases, this new level of required reserves is less than ...
Working Papers , Paper 2000-023

Journal Article
Fueling expected inflation

Monetary Trends , Issue Sep

Journal Article
Is more QE in sight?

Most analysts have concluded that the LSAP successfully reduced long-term market interest rates. How, exactly, do LSAP-style programs succeed?
Economic Synopses

Journal Article
Special report: The monetary services index project of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis: introduction to the St. Louis monetary services index project

Review , Issue Jan , Pages 25-30

Journal Article
On the road to recovery, soft patches turn up often

The Regional Economist , Issue Jan

Journal Article
The curious case of the U.S. monetary base

The Regional Economist , Issue Jul , Pages 12-13

Working Paper
Does commonality in illiquidity matter to investors?

This paper investigates whether investors are compensated for taking on commonality risk in equity portfolios. A large literature documents the existence and the causes of commonality in illiquidity, but the implications for investors are less understood. We find a return premium for commonality risk in NYSE stocks that is both economically and statistically significant. The commonality risk premium is independent of illiquidity level effects, and robust to variations in illiquidity measurement and systematic illiquidity estimation. We also show that precision in commonality risk estimation ...
Working Papers , Paper 2013-020

Journal Article
The root of the problems of the British banks is the same as that of American banks: shaky mortgage-backed securities

Economic Synopses



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Money supply 25 items

Monetary policy 15 items

Financial crises 11 items

Bank reserves 8 items

Monetary policy - United States 8 items

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7 items

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