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Working Paper
Wealth in the Utility Function and Consumption Inequality
Wealth in the utility function (WIU) has been increasingly used in macroeconomic modelsand this specification can be justified by a few theories such as Max Weber’s (1904-05, German; 1958) theory on “spirit of capitalism.” We incorporate the WIU into a general equilibriumconsumption-portfolio choice model to study the implications of the WIU for consumption inequality, equilibrium interest rate, and equity premium—an unexplored area in the literature.Our general equilibrium framework features recursive exponential utility, uninsurable labor risks,and multiple assets and can deliver ...
Working Paper
Money, Growth, and Welfare in a Schumpeterian Model with the Spirit of Capitalism
According to Schumpeter (1934), entrepreneurs are driven to innovate not only for the fruits of success but for success itself. This description of entrepreneurship echoes Weber’s (1958) description of the “spirit of capitalism,” which states that people enjoy the accumulation of wealth irrespective of its effect on smoothing consumption. This paper explores the implications of the spirit of capitalism on monetary policy, growth, and welfare in a Schumpeterian growth model. Different from the existing literature, we show that money is not superneutral in the long run and could promote ...