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Working Paper
Policy Uncertainty and Bank Mortgage Credit
We document that banks reduce supply of jumbo mortgage loans when policy uncertainty increases as measured by the timing of US gubernatorial elections in banks' headquarter states. The reduction is larger for more uncertain elections. We utilize high-frequency, geographically granular loan data to address an identification problem arising from changing demand for loans: (1) the microeconomic data allow for state/time (quarter) fixed effects; (2) we observe banks reduce lending not just in their home states but also outside their home states when their home states hold elections; (3) we ...
Working Paper
Earnings Management and Corporate Investment Decisions
We investigate the relationship between earnings management and the efficiency of corporate investment decisions. Using discretionary accruals to measure intertemporal transfers of earnings, we show that earnings management exhibits a concave relationship with the investment sensitivity to investment opportunities as measured by Tobin's Q. We find that the association is concentrated among high Q firms. The effect is present among well governed firms, suggesting that better governed firms manage accruals strategically. The concave relationship suggests that the marginal impact of earnings ...
Working Paper
Demand Shock, Liquidity Management, and Firm Growth during the Financial Crisis
We examine the transmission of liquidity across the supply chain during the 2007-09 financial crisis, a period of financial market illiquidity, for a sample of unrated public firms with differential demand shocks. We measure differential demand by comparing firms that primarily supply to government customers with those that primarily supply to corporate customers. A difference-in-difference analysis shows little evidence that relatively high demand firms provide more or less liquidity to their own suppliers. The main determinant of the usage of short-term financing is a product market shock. ...
Discussion Paper
Collateralized Loan Obligations in the Financial Accounts of the United States
This note describes how the Federal Reserve’s Financial Accounts of the United States account for Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLOs) and discusses two new data series on CLOs that are introduced in the September 2019 publication of the Financial Accounts.
Working Paper
Policy uncertainty, irreversibility, and cross-border flows of capital
We examine the effects of government policy uncertainty on cross-border capital flows. FDI flows from US companies to foreign affiliates drop significantly during the period just before an election. The election effect for FDI is larger than election cycles in domestic investment. The electoral patterns in FDI flows are more pronounced in countries with higher propensities for policy reversals and when election outcomes are more uncertain. Our identification strategy compares variation in different types of capital flows into the same country around the timing of national elections. The ...
Discussion Paper
Measuring Direct Investment in the Financial Accounts of the United States
This note explains recent changes in the treatment of direct investment in the Federal Reserve Board's Financial Accounts of the United States (formerly known as the Flow of Funds Accounts).
Discussion Paper
Corporate Bond Issuers' Swap Exposure to Rising Interest Rates
United States corporate bond issuance has been elevated in recent years relative to historical standards, reflecting in part accommodative financing conditions at historically low rates.
Discussion Paper
International Portfolio Investment Holdings of Long-term Securities in the Enhanced Financial Accounts
This note and associated website provide new detail on international portfolio investment holdings of long-term securities, as part of the Enhanced Financial Accounts (EFA) initiative.
Working Paper
Political Conflict and Foreign Portfolio Investment : Evidence from North Korean Attacks
We examine the response of foreign (i.e., non-South Korean) investors to escalating political conflict and its impact on the South Korean stock market surrounding 13 North Korean military attacks between 1999 and 2010. Using domestic (i.e., South Korean) institutions and individuals as benchmarks, we evaluate the trading behavior and performance of foreign investors. Following attacks, foreigners increase their holdings of Korean stocks and buy more shares of risky stocks. Performance results show foreigners maintain their pre-attack level of performance while domestic individuals, who make ...