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Author:Xu, Lixin Colin 

Working Paper
Government Connections and Financial Constraints: Evidence from a Large Representative Sample of Chinese Firms

We examine the role of firms' government connections, defined by government intervention in CEO appointment and the status of state ownership, in determining the severity of financial constraints faced by Chinese firms. We demonstrate that government connections are associated with substantially less severe financial constraints (i.e., less reliance on internal cash flows to fund investment), and that the sensitivity of investment to internal cash flows is higher for firms that report greater obstacles to obtaining external funds. We also find that those large non-state firms with weak ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 1129

Conference Paper
Understanding China's capital productivity and flow

The evidence from China (and India) suggests that regional variations in FDI inflow and marginal productivity of capital can readily be explained by some of the usual and un-usual suspects: tax burden, corruption, expected growth rate, infrastructure, access to finance, court and custom efficiency, and quality of life. Given the vast variations in all these dimensions in various regions in China due to the decentralized nature and geography, the large variations in capital-labor ratio and marginal product of capital are perhaps not too difficult to rationalize. The fact that MPK depends on ...
Conference Series ; [Proceedings] , Volume 51


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