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Author:Wilkerson, Chad R. 

Journal Article
Trends in rural manufacturing

Main Street Economist , Issue Dec

Journal Article
The District economic outlook : responding to labor shortages and overseas problems

The Tenth District economy slowed down in 1998, with employment growing marginally below the national average. Despite very tight labor markets, employment growth remained healthy in many sectors. Construction; trade; transportation, communications, and public utilities; and finance, insurance, and real estate---all posted healthy gains. The manufacturing and service sectors, however, turned in weak growth, a result of the Asian financial turmoil and a shortage of skilled workers throughout the district. District agriculture had a difficult year, as commodity prices plunged in the face of ...
Economic Review , Volume 84 , Issue Q I , Pages 93-109

Journal Article
Is rural America facing a home price bust?

Main Street Economist , Issue 6

Journal Article
Kansas and Missouri economies

The Missouri and Kansas economies expanded during the fourth quarter of 2012. Employment grew solidly in both Missouri and Kansas, and the pace of growth increased in Missouri. The unemployment rate continued to fall in both states, and was down significantly for the year. Residential real estate conditions were strong and farmland values grew in the fourth quarter, but drought conditions continued to affect farmers.
Midwest Economist , Issue Q I

Journal Article
Update on Oklahoma’s economy : Spotlight on Guymon, Oklahoma

Economic growth in Oklahoma continued to outpace the nation into the summer months of 2012. Oklahoma payroll employment was up from July 2011. Oklahoma is nearly back to pre-recession employment levels, with just a slight drag from the Tulsa area due to the magnitude of job loss in that area during the recession. Manufacturing and energy continued to lead Oklahoma?s growth in total jobs. Employment in most other Oklahoma industries was generally stable.
Oklahoma Economist , Issue Q III

Journal Article
Update on Oklahoma’s economy : Spotlight on Oklahoma housing conditions

Economic growth in Oklahoma continued to outperform the nation in late 2011. Oklahoma payroll employment was up from a year ago, and the state continues to move closer to pre-recession employment levels. Manufacturing posted the highest growth in actual Oklahoma jobs in December, while energy was a close second. Other industries also recorded solid job growth, particularly construction and professional services.
Oklahoma Economist , Issue Q I

Journal Article
Spotlight on manufacturing in Oklahoma

Oklahoma continued to outpace the nation in economic growth during the early fall months. Payroll employment was up in October from a year ago, and the state is now above pre-recession employment levels. Manufacturing led Oklahoma?s job growth, while trade, transportation and utility firms also posted solid job gains. Energy employment has declined slightly, but still remains above year-ago levels.
Oklahoma Economist , Issue Q IV

Journal Article
How is the rise in national defense spending affecting the Tenth District economy?

In 2007, the United States spent over $650 billion on national defense. Even after adjusting for inflation, this was the largest annual amount since 1945, surpassing previous post-World War II peaks reached during the Korean, Vietnam, and Cold wars. Defense spending has risen steadily this decade, today accounting for nearly 5 percent of overall gross domestic product?about the same share as residential construction. ; National defense represents an even larger share of economic activity in the Tenth Federal Reserve District. The region is home to some of the country's largest military ...
Economic Review , Volume 93 , Issue Q II , Pages 49-79

Journal Article
Will tightness in Tenth District labor markets result in economic slowdown?

Labor markets in the Tenth District are tighter now than at any time in recent memory. The steady fall of unemployment rates in recent years has led many analysts to wonder if future economic growth in the region could be restricted by labor shortages. The district's labor market is actually even tighter than suggested by its unemployment rate of less than 4 percent in 1998 due to the presence of two other significant, but often overlooked, factors: high labor force participation rates and slowing domestic migration flows.> The labor force participation rate, meaning roughly the percentage of ...
Economic Review , Volume 83 , Issue Q IV , Pages 67-80

Journal Article
Update on Oklahoma's economy

Oklahoma Economist , Issue Q III , Pages 1-2