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Author:Whiteman, Charles H. 

Conference Paper
Another hole in the ozone layer: changes in FOMC operating procedure and the term structure

Proceedings , Paper 1, pt. 1

Working Paper
Forecasting using relative entropy

The paper describes a relative entropy procedure for imposing moment restrictions on simulated forecast distributions from a variety of models. Starting from an empirical forecast distribution for some variables of interest, the technique generates a new empirical distribution that satisfies a set of moment restrictions. The new distribution is chosen to be as close as possible to the original in the sense of minimizing the associated Kullback-Leibler Information Criterion, or relative entropy. The authors illustrate the technique by using several examples that show how restrictions from ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2002-22

Working Paper
Another hole in the ozone layer: changes in FOMC operating procedure and the term structure

FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 92-15

Journal Article
More unsettling evidence on the perfect markets hypothesis

Economic Review , Issue Nov , Pages 1-13

Working Paper
Endogenous term premia and anomalies in the term structure of interest rates: explaining the predictability smile

Recent studies have documented the existence of a "predictability smile" in the term structure of interest rates: spreads between long maturity rates and short rates predict subsequent movements in interest rates provided the long horizon is three months or less or if the long horizon is two years or more, but not for intermediate maturities. Accounts for portions of the smile involve interest rate smoothing by the Fed, time-varying risk premia, "Peso problems," and measurement error. We take a more nearly general equilibrium approach to explaining this phenomenon and show that despite ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 96-11

Working Paper
Risk aversion vs. intertemporal substitution: identification failure in the intertemporal consumption CAPM

Is the risk aversion parameter in the simple intertemporal consumption CAPM ?small? as in Hansen and Singleton (1982,1983), or is it that its reciprocal, the intertemporal elasticity of substitution, is small, as in Hall (1988)? This paper attributes the disparate estimates of this fundamental parameter not only to failures of instrument admissibility as do Hall (1988) and Hansen-Singleton (1996), but rather to failures of instrument relevance. That is, the disparate estimates reflect near nonidentification due to the unpredictability of asset returns and consumption growth. One natural ...
Working Papers , Paper 1995-002

Journal Article
A new investigation of the impact of wage and price controls

Quarterly Review , Volume 2 , Issue Spr

A new investigation of the impact of wage and price controls

originally appeared in the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, Spring 1978

Working Paper
Monetary aggregates as monetary targets: a statistical investigation

FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 90-7

Journal Article
Econometric policy evaluation under rational expectations

Quarterly Review , Volume 5 , Issue Spr / Sum