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Author:Werner, Devin 

Journal Article
Does the Beige Book Reflect U.S. Employment and Inflation Trends?

Simple, automated text analysis can extract useful metrics from the Beige Book.
Economic Synopses , Issue 13 , Pages 1-3

Journal Article
Leisure and Hospitality Sector’s Recovery Complicated by Delta Variant

Shutdowns early in the pandemic primarily affected the Eighth Federal Reserve District’s leisure and hospitality sector, but its recovery could be complicated by the delta variant.
The Regional Economist

COVID-19 and Unemployment Risk: State and MSA Differences

Which states and MSAs have large shares of workers at high risk of unemployment?
On the Economy

COVID-19 and the Great Recession: Market Hours and Home Production across American Households

Women and households with children have been hit harder in this recession than they were in the previous recession.
On the Economy

Journal Article
Trends in Startups’ Share of Jobs in the U.S. and Eighth District

Startups have been representing a smaller share of all jobs within the U.S. and Eighth District in recent years.
The Regional Economist , Volume 28 , Issue 1

Journal Article
How Many People Does It Take to Start a Company?

The average number of employees at startups has declined over the past several years.
The Regional Economist , Volume 28 , Issue 2

Journal Article
Inflation, Part 3: What Is the Fed’s Current Goal? Has the Fed Met Its Inflation Mandate?

Despite recent inflationary pressures, the Fed has historically done a good job maintaining inflation close to 2%.
Economic Synopses , Issue 25 , Pages 1-3

Journal Article
Pandemic, Rising Costs Challenge Child Care Industry

As the economy recovers and more parents return to work, declining child care capacity, combined with higher wages, could continue to push up costs.
The Regional Economist

Journal Article
Using Beige Book Text Analysis to Measure Supply Chain Disruptions

Simple, automated text analysis can extract useful metrics about supply chain disruptions from the Beige Book.
Economic Synopses , Issue 18 , Pages 1-2

Startups Account for Smaller Share of U.S. Jobs

Since 1994, startup firms have seen their share of U.S. employment shrink.
On the Economy