Search Results
Working Paper
Durable good inventories and the volatility of production: explaining the less volatile U.S. economy
Wen, Yi
This paper provides a simple dynamic optimization model of durable goods inventories. Closed-form solutions are derived in a general equilibrium environment with imperfect information and serially correlated shocks. The model is then applied to scrutinize some popular conjectures regarding the causes of the volatility reduction of GDP since 1984.
Working Papers
, Paper 2005-047
Working Paper
Speculative bubbles and financial crisis
Wen, Yi; Wang, Pengfei
Why are asset prices so much more volatile and so often detached from their fundamentals? Why does the burst of financial bubbles depress the real economy? This paper addresses these questions by constructing an infinite-horizon heterogeneous-agent general-equilibrium model with speculative bubbles. We show that agents are willing to invest in asset bubbles even though they have positive probability to burst. We prove that any storable goods, regardless of their intrinsic values, may give birth to bubbles with market prices far exceeding their fundamental values. We also show that perceived ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2009-029
Working Paper
Saving and growth under borrowing constraints explaining the \"high saving rate\" puzzle
Wen, Yi
Empirical evidence suggests that fast-growing economies tend to have not only high saving rates but also low interest rates. This evidence is difficult to reconcile with standard explanations about the positive linkages between saving and growth. These explanations rely either on high saving to explain high growth or on high growth to explain high saving; but in either case, they must imply and depend on high interest rates to induce high saving rates. Hence, the real puzzle is why households would save excessively to finance firms? investment when the interest rate on their savings is so ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2009-045
Working Paper
Liquidity demand and welfare in a heterogeneous-agent economy
Wen, Yi
This paper provides an analytically tractable general-equilibrium model of money demand with micro-foundations. The model is based on the incomplete-market model of Bewley (1980) where money serves as a store of value and provides liquidity to smooth consumption. The model is applied to study the effects of monetary policies. It is shown that heterogeneous liquidity demand can lead to sluggish movements in aggregate prices and positive responses from aggregate output to transitory money injections. However, permanent money growth can be extremely costly: With log utility function and an ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2010-009
Working Paper
Measuring interest rates as determined by thrift and productivity
Wen, Yi; Choi, Woon Gyu
This paper investigates the behavior of short-term real and nominal rates of interest by combining consumption-based and production-based models into a single general equilibrium framework. Based on the theoretical nonlinear relationships that link interest rates to both the marginal rates of substitution and transformation in a monetary production economy, we develop an estimation and simulation procedure to generate historical time series of interest rates. We find that the predictions of interest rates based on a general equilibrium theory are partially consistent with US data.
Working Papers
, Paper 2005-037
Journal Article
Relative Income Traps
Wen, Yi; Arias, Maria A.
Despite economic growth in the post-World War II period, few developing countries have been able to catch up to the income levels in the United States or other advanced economies. Such countries remain trapped at a relative low- or middle-income level. In this article, the authors redefine the concept of income traps as situations in which income levels relative to the United States remain constantly low and with no clear sign of convergence. This approach allows them to study the issue of economic convergence (or lack of it) directly. The authors describe evidence pointing to the existence ...
, Volume 98
, Issue 1
, Pages 41-60
Working Paper
Long and Plosser Meet Bewley and Lucas
Wen, Yi; Dong, Feng
We develop a N-sector business cycle network model a la Long and Plosser (1983), featuring heterogenous money demand a la Bewley (1980) and Lucas (1980). Despite incomplete markets and a well-defined distribution of real money balances across heterogeneous households, the enriched N-sector network model remains analytically tractable with closed-form solutions up to the aggregate level. Relying on the tractability, we establish several important results: (i) The economy's input-output network linkages become endogenously time-varying over the business cycle?thanks to the influence of the ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2018-8
Working Paper
Time-Inconsistent Optimal Quantity of Debt
Chien, YiLi; Wen, Yi
A key property of the Aiyagari-type heterogeneous-agent models is that the equilibrium interest rate of public debt lies below the time discount rate. This fundamental property, however, implies that the Ramsey planner's fiscal policy may be time-inconsistent because the forward-looking planner would have a dominate incentive to issue plenty of debt, such that all households are fully self-insured against idiosyncratic risk whenever the interest rate of government borrowing is lower than the household time discount rate. But such a full self-insurance allocation may be paradoxical because, to ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2020-037
Journal Article
Oil price shocks and inflation risk
Chen, Mingyu; Wen, Yi
Oil price shocks appear to have only transitory effects on headline inflation and virtually no impact on measures of underlying trend inflation.
Economic Synopses
Working Paper
Uncertainty and sentiment-driven equilibria
Wen, Yi; Benhabib, Jess; Wang, Pengfei
We construct a model to capture the Keynesian idea that production and employment decisions are based on expectations of aggregate demand driven by sentiments and that realized demand follows from the production and employment decisions of firms. We cast the Keynesian idea into a simple model with imperfect information about aggregate demand and we characterize the rational expectations equilibria of this model. We find that the equilibrium is not unique despite the absence of any non-convexities or strategic complementarity in the model. In addition to multiple fundamental equilibria, there ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2013-011
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 158 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 1 items
Working Papers 109 items
Economic Synopses 15 items
The Regional Economist 14 items
On the Economy 8 items
Review 7 items
Monetary Trends 2 items
National Economic Trends 2 items
FRB Atlanta CQER Working Paper 1 items
International Economic Trends 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 110 items
Journal Article 41 items
Chien, YiLi 33 items
Wang, Pengfei 20 items
Reinbold, Brian 15 items
Arias, Maria A. 7 items
Arbogast, Iris 5 items
Chen, Yunmin 5 items
Dong, Feng 5 items
Pintus, Patrick A. 5 items
Aguiar-Conraria, Luis 4 items
Wang, Xin 4 items
Xu, Zhiwei 4 items
Chen, Mingyu 3 items
Shimek, Luke M. 3 items
Wu, HsinJung 3 items
Xing, Xiaochuan 3 items
Yang, C. C. 3 items
Benhabib, Jess 2 items
Chen, Kaiji 2 items
Choi, Woon Gyu 2 items
Fawley, Brett W. 2 items
Fortier, George E. 2 items
Jiao, Yang 2 items
Wu, Huabin 2 items
Yang, C.C. 2 items
Azariadis, Costas 1 items
Coury, Tarek 1 items
Kaas, Leo 1 items
Liu, Haoming 1 items
Luo, Jinfeng 1 items
Raihan, Sharif Md. 1 items
Sarno, Lucio 1 items
Thornton, Daniel L. 1 items
Wang, Lili 1 items
Wu, Jing 1 items
Zeng, Bing 1 items
Zhu, Lijing 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
E62 35 items
H21 33 items
H30 33 items
E13 31 items
E22 13 items
E32 10 items
E44 6 items
O11 6 items
C61 5 items
E31 4 items
E21 3 items
E23 3 items
E41 3 items
E43 3 items
E51 3 items
E52 3 items
E58 3 items
E63 3 items
E1 2 items
E12 2 items
E50 2 items
H27 2 items
N00 2 items
O16 2 items
O40 2 items
P23 2 items
P24 2 items
R31 2 items
A1 1 items
B0 1 items
B00 1 items
B4 1 items
C10 1 items
D10 1 items
D21 1 items
D31 1 items
D58 1 items
D60 1 items
E2 1 items
E24 1 items
E3 1 items
E30 1 items
E4 1 items
E49 1 items
F00 1 items
F02 1 items
F10 1 items
F11 1 items
F41 1 items
F60 1 items
G01 1 items
G10 1 items
G11 1 items
H00 1 items
H10 1 items
H12 1 items
H40 1 items
H50 1 items
H70 1 items
K00 1 items
L10 1 items
L52 1 items
N10 1 items
O1 1 items
O10 1 items
O2 1 items
O20 1 items
O3 1 items
O30 1 items
O4 1 items
O47 1 items
O5 1 items
O50 1 items
P00 1 items
P16 1 items
P51 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
Incomplete Markets 33 items
Ramsey Problem 31 items
Business cycles 22 items
Heterogeneous Agents 13 items
Monetary policy 7 items
Optimal Fiscal Policy 7 items
China 6 items
Inflation (Finance) 6 items
Inventories 6 items
Liquidity (Economics) 6 items
Optimal Capital Taxation 6 items
Optimal Public Debt 6 items
Prices 6 items
Tax Smoothing 6 items
Capital Taxation 5 items
Credit 5 items
Equilibrium (Economics) 5 items
Industrial Revolution 5 items
COVID-19 4 items
Consumer behavior 4 items
Economic conditions - China 4 items
International trade 4 items
Optimal Debt 4 items
Petroleum industry and trade 4 items
Time Inconsistency 4 items
trade balance 4 items
industrialization 4 items
Economic Development 4 items
Housing - Prices 3 items
International finance 3 items
Investments 3 items
Lump-sum Transfers 3 items
New Stage Theory 3 items
Optimal Quantity of Debt 3 items
Pollution 3 items
Production (Economic theory) 3 items
Production Externalities 3 items
Public Liquidity 3 items
Role of Public Debt 3 items
Saving and investment 3 items
Saving and investment - China 3 items
Unemployment 3 items
Universal Basic Income 3 items
overlapping generations 3 items
trade deficits 3 items
Chinese Economy 3 items
Development 3 items
gold reserves 3 items
Asset pricing 2 items
Balance of trade - China 2 items
Externalities (Economics) 2 items
Financial Crisis 2 items
Financial crises 2 items
Government Bonds 2 items
Housing - China 2 items
Institutions 2 items
Interest rates 2 items
Liquidity Preference 2 items
Modified Golden Rule 2 items
Monetary policy - United States 2 items
Money 2 items
Money Demand 2 items
Money theory 2 items
Quantitative Easing 2 items
Shock Therapy 2 items
Washington Consensus 2 items
economic transition 2 items
gold standard 2 items
wealth distribution 2 items
GDP 2 items
Resource Misallocation 2 items
Africa 1 items
Balance of payments 1 items
Balance of trade 1 items
Banking 1 items
Big Push 1 items
COVID-19 spread 1 items
Capital Reallocation 1 items
Capital Search 1 items
Capital investments 1 items
Capital movements 1 items
China’s Economic Development 1 items
Collateral 1 items
Consumption (Economics) 1 items
Coronavirus 1 items
Credit Crunch 1 items
Credit Rationing 1 items
Credit Reallocation 1 items
Credit Utilization 1 items
Credit cycles 1 items
DSGE Models 1 items
Deficit financing 1 items
Demand for money 1 items
Disease 1 items
Distributional Effect of Monetary Policy 1 items
Econometric models 1 items
Economic stabilization 1 items
Endogenous Borrowing Constraints 1 items
Endogenous Collateral Constraints 1 items
Endogenous Dispersion of rmsTFP 1 items
Endogenous Total Factor Productivity 1 items
Exporter Behavior 1 items
Federal funds rate 1 items
Financial Development 1 items
Financial Intermediation 1 items
Financial institutions 1 items
Firm Dynamics 1 items
Fiscal Multiplier 1 items
Fiscal policy 1 items
Flight to Liquidity 1 items
Flight to Quality 1 items
Foreign exchange rates - China 1 items
Fragmented Markets 1 items
Geography 1 items
Government Spending 1 items
Great Depression 1 items
Great Divergence 1 items
Great Moderation 1 items
Great recession 1 items
Gross domestic product 1 items
Heterogeneous Firms 1 items
Heterogeneous Money Demand 1 items
Hours of labor 1 items
Housing Bubble 1 items
Import Substitution Industrialization 1 items
Income 1 items
Income Gaps 1 items
Income Traps 1 items
Industrial Policies 1 items
Inflationary Finance 1 items
Information Asymmetry 1 items
Keynesian economics 1 items
Labor supply 1 items
Laffer curve 1 items
Large-Scale Asset Purchases 1 items
Liquidity Shortage 1 items
Liquidity Trap 1 items
Lumpy Investment 1 items
Macroeconomics 1 items
Market Fundamentalism 1 items
Methodology 1 items
Middle-Income Trap 1 items
Monetary theory 1 items
Money supply 1 items
Multiple Equilibria 1 items
Multiple Equilibria. 1 items
Neoliberalism 1 items
New Institutional Theory 1 items
New Structural Economics 1 items
New Structuralism 1 items
Optimal Exit Strategies. 1 items
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 1 items
Petroleum products - Prices 1 items
Production Function 1 items
Production Networks 1 items
Productivity 1 items
Qualitative Easing 1 items
Ramsey redistribution 1 items
Ramsey steady state 1 items
Redistribution Shocks 1 items
Resaleability Constraint 1 items
Search Frictions 1 items
Securities 1 items
Self-Fulfilling Equilibria 1 items
Self-fulfilling Prophecy. Business Cycles. 1 items
Speculation 1 items
State-Contingent Loan Repayment 1 items
Structural unemployment 1 items
Sunspots 1 items
Taylor's rule 1 items
Time-Varying Labor Wedge 1 items
Time-Varying Velocity of Money 1 items
Tobin's q 1 items
Trade Collapse 1 items
Uncertainty 1 items
Unconventional Monetary Policies 1 items
Unconventional Policy. 1 items
Unsecured firm credit 1 items
Variable-Rate Loans 1 items
Velocity 1 items
Volatility Trends 1 items
Welfare 1 items
World Interest Rate 1 items
consumption front-loading 1 items
economic growth 1 items
global economic development 1 items
heterogeneity 1 items
housing bubbles 1 items
international comovement 1 items
intertemporal distortions 1 items
market bubbles 1 items
optimal capital tax 1 items
optimal government debt 1 items
optimal interest rate 1 items
optimal tax-transfer system 1 items
private debts 1 items
recession 1 items
recessions 1 items
recovery 1 items
rise of China 1 items
state capacity 1 items
stock performance 1 items
sub-Saharan Africa 1 items
sunspot shocks 1 items
trade 1 items
trade surplus 1 items
welfare costs of inflation 1 items
world war I 1 items
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