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Author:Wang, Norman 

Economic Outlook Symposium: Summary of 2012 results and 2013 forecasts

According to participants in the Chicago Fed?s annual Economic Outlook Symposium, the U.S. economy is forecasted to grow at a pace near its historical average in 2013, with inflation remaining largely unchanged and the unemployment rate edging down.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Feb

Economy to cruise at speed limit in 2013 and accelerate slightly in 2014

According to participants in the Chicago Fed?s annual Automotive Outlook Symposium, the nation?s economic growth is forecasted to be solid this year and to strengthen somewhat in 2014. Inflation is expected to remain flat in 2013 and 2014, and the unemployment rate is anticipated to move lower but remain high by historical standards through the end of 2014. Light vehicle sales are predicted to improve in 2013 and 2014.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Aug

Economy to keep rolling along in 2012 and 2013

According to participants in the Chicago Fed?s annual Automotive Outlook Symposium, solid economic growth is forecasted for the nation this year and in 2013. Inflation is expected to fall in 2012 and remain unchanged in 2013, and the unemployment rate is anticipated to move lower but remain high by historical standards through the end of 2013. Light vehicle sales are forecasted to improve in 2012 and 2013.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Aug

Predicting gross state product growth with the Chicago Fed's Midwest Economy Index

This article explains how the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago?s Midwest Economy Index (MEI) can be used to produce quarterly estimates of the annual gross state product (GSP) growth of each state in the Seventh Federal Reserve District.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Dec

Economic Outlook Symposium: summary of 2011 results and 2012 forecasts

According to participants in the Chicago Fed?s annual Economic Outlook Symposium, the U.S. economy is forecasted to grow at a pace below its historical average in 2012, following a year with an even slower rate of growth; inflation is expected to ease in 2012; and the unemployment rate is predicted to edge down this year.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Feb

Journal Article
Industry clusters and economic development in the Seventh District’s largest cities

In works such as Glaeser (2011) and Porter (1995), prominent economists have suggested that metropolitan areas are the key to economic growth. In this article, we examine the economic development strategies and performance of the largest metropolitan areas in the five states of the Seventh Federal Reserve District? Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, and Wisconsin. The cities, from smallest to largest by metro population, are: Des Moines, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Chicago. Theory suggests that cities that promote industry agglomeration (clusters) should be best positioned for ...
Economic Perspectives , Issue Q II , Pages 52-66

Economy to keep cruising along in 2011 and 2012

According to participants in the Chicago Fed?s annual Automotive Outlook Symposium, solid economic growth is forecasted for the nation this year and in 2012. Inflation is expected to rise in 2011 and then ease in 2012, and the unemployment rate is anticipated to move lower but remain high by historical standards through the end of 2012. Light vehicle sales are forecasted to improve in 2011 and 2012.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Aug

Economic Outlook Symposium: summary of 2010 results and forecasts for 2011

According to participants in the Chicago Fed?s annual Economic Outlook Symposium, solid economic growth is forecasted for the nation in 2011, following a year with moderate growth; inflation is expected to edge higher in 2011; and the unemployment rate is predicted to remain elevated this year.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Feb