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Working Paper
Small business lending by banks involved in mergers
The paper uses data on the volume outstanding of small business loans from the midyear Call Reports to summarize the nature of small business lending at banks that were involved in mergers between June 1993 and June 1996. Then a model of gradual adjustment by the consolidated bank following the merger is estimated to determine whether the portfolio share of small business loans at the consolidated bank tends to move over time toward either the pre-merger share at the acquiring bank or the typical share at other banks of roughly the same size as the consolidated bank.
Journal Article
The farm economy in the first half of the 1990s
Working Paper
Expected appreciation for U.S. housing
Journal Article
An update on the farm economy
Journal Article
Drought, agriculture, and the economy
Working Paper
Bank risk ratings and the pricing of agricultural loans
In this paper, we review the prevalence of the use of risk ratings by commercial banks that participated in the Federal Reserve's Survey of Terms of Bank Lending to Farmers between 1997 and 2002. We find that adoption of risk rating procedures held about steady over the period, with a little less than half the banks on the panel either not using a risk rating system, or reporting the same rating for all their loans in the survey. However, most of these banks were small, and roughly four-fifths of all sample loans carried an informative risk rating. We found that after controlling for the size ...