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Author:Virmani, Raghav 

Journal Article
Texas economy feels national pinch

Helped somewhat by a weak dollar and strong exports, Texas has shed manufacturing jobs at a 1.4 percent rate so far this year, a much slower pace than the nation?s 3.4 percent decline.
Southwest Economy , Issue Jul , Pages 10-13, 16

Journal Article
Crude awakening: behind the surge in oil prices

The first few months of 2008 saw crude oil prices breach one barrier after another. They topped $100 a barrel for the first time on Feb. 19, then rose past $103.76 about two weeks later, surpassing the previous inflation-adjusted peak, established in 1980. In April and early May, oil prices pushed past $110 and then $120 a barrel and beyond. ; These milestones reflect a new era in oil markets. After the tumult of the early 1980s, prices remained relatively tame for two decades - in both real and nominal terms. This long stretch of stability ended in 2004, when oil topped $40 a barrel for the ...
Economic Letter , Volume 3

Journal Article
Texas finding growth in seeming disadvantage

Southwest Economy , Issue May , Pages 10-13

Journal Article
What's driving gasoline prices?

If current market conditions prevail, gasoline prices are set to rise over the next few months and then fall over the next three years, according to this issue of the Economic Letter.
Economic Letter , Volume 2

Journal Article
Regional update

Southwest Economy , Issue Mar , Pages 15

Journal Article
Spotlight: temporary employment

As the Texas economy expanded over the past two decades, firms increasingly relied on temporary workers to fill shortterm and seasonal staffing needs. In 1990, these employees accounted for less than 1.5 percent of Texas jobs. After peaking in 1999 and taking a recessionary dip, the number rebounded to 2.7 percent this year.
Southwest Economy , Issue Nov , Pages 10

Journal Article
Bridging the Texas GDP gap

Southwest Economy , Issue May , Pages 11-13

Journal Article
Texas exports : markets grow faster beyond North America

Southwest Economy , Issue Mar , Pages 10

Journal Article
Incubating microfinance : the Texas border experience

Southwest Economy , Issue Sep , Pages 3-7

Journal Article
Regional update

Southwest Economy , Issue Jul , Pages 19