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Working Paper
Discretion, wage indexation, and inflation
Working Paper
Bank balance sheet dynamics under a regulatory liquidity-coverage-ratio constraint
This paper presents a dynamic model of a bank?s optimal choices of imposing a binding liquidity-coverage-ratio (LCR) constraint. Our baseline balance-sheet dynamics starts with portfolio separation and no LCR constraint. Under a scenario in which regulators prohibit banks from applying securities to fulf ll the LCR constraint, portfolio separation continues to hold, but deposit holdings depend on the extent to which the LCR constraint is binding. When banks are allowed to apply securities toward satisfying the constraint, portfolio separation can break down and lead to ambiguous effects on ...
Working Paper
Floating rate loan contracts and monetary policy
Working Paper
Implications of economic interdependence and exchange rate policy on endogenous wage indexation decisions
This paper shows how economic interdependence affects wage indexation decisions when monetary authorities do not observe stochastic disturbances. Under a managed exchange rate, atomistic wage setters in interdependent nations will choose the same degree of indexation as they would in a small open economy. Under a flexible exchange rate, the likelihood rises that they will choose a lower degree of indexation than their counterparts in a small open economy as the degree of interdependence rises, as the variance of money demand shocks rise relative to supply shocks, and as supply curves steepen. ...
Journal Article
Daylight overdrafts, payments system risk, and public policy