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Author:Ullrich, Laura Dawson 

Discussion Paper
Unemployment Benefits Under the New Stimulus Package

Regional Matters

Discussion Paper
Interpreting Unemployment Data in the Time of COVID-19

Since mid-March, a record number of people have become unemployed and filed for unemployment benefits. While both the unemployment rate and the number of unemployment insurance claims have fallen since the peak in April, the number of unemployment claims has been falling at a much slower rate. Policy changes and the unique nature of the COVID-19 pandemic have led to this deviation and may impact the way labor market health is evaluated going forward.
Regional Matters

Discussion Paper
State Budget Surpluses, the COVID-19 Impact, and ARPA Funds

Regional Matters

Discussion Paper
State Labor Market Update: January 2024 Data Release

This article covers the latest state-level employment data release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, written by our team of regional economists. The summaries for each state are attributed accordingly below so that any quotes drawn from this article can be properly credited. Data used for this article are at the time of writing and are subject to future revisions by the BLS.
Regional Matters

Discussion Paper
Non-Credit Workforce Programs at Community Colleges

Community colleges differ from four-year institutions in key ways, including how programs are distributed across credit and non-credit academic divisions. While nearly all enrolled students at four-year institutions are in for-credit programs, community college students are much more likely to be in non-credit programs, which are shorter in term and typically focus on skills and credentials that are tied to specific occupations.A growing number of community college students are enrolled in non-credit programs across the Fifth District, but traditional data sources do not capture information ...
Regional Matters

Discussion Paper
Second-Chance Hiring: Fifth District Efforts to Improve Post-Incarceration Outcomes

In the current economy, where job postings significantly exceed the number of people actively seeking employment, previously incarcerated individuals represent an important source of labor that both states and institutions are increasingly interested in engaging. Successfully implementing second-chance hiring initiatives, in which companies hire individuals with criminal records, can help improve outcomes for previously incarcerated individuals, the companies they work for, and their communities.
Regional Matters

Journal Article
Community Colleges in the Fifth District: Who Attends, Who Pays?

Econ Focus , Issue 4Q , Pages 27-31

Discussion Paper
Higher Education in the Wake of COVID-19

COVID-19 has disrupted traditional higher education institutions and is forcing institutions to make substantial changes to their plans for the coming academic year.
Regional Matters

Discussion Paper
Community College Enrollment in Fall 2021 and Cumulative Enrollment Impacts

Regional Matters

Discussion Paper
The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) and Its Impact on Fifth District Community Colleges

As part of the various government stimulus programs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, institutions of higher education received a total of $77 billion via the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF). HEERF included funds for a broad array of higher education programs, but most funds were allotted for direct student support and for institutional purposes.The CARES Act and the American Rescue Plan required that at least 50 percent of a college or university's HEERF allotment be given to students in the form of direct grants. The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental ...
Regional Matters




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