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Author:Swadley, Adam 

Journal Article
Spotlight: Imports and Exports: Container trade thriving in Texas

The real value of trade processed through Texas ports grew at nearly twice the national pace. Rapid growth in trade with Asia implies that containerized shipping--the movement of goods by standardized intermodal cargo containers--will play an increasingly prominent role. ; As container shipments to Texas increase, the need to transport containerized goods from West Coast ports by rail or truck will decrease. The comparative efficiency of shipping by sea is well noted. Further efficiencies will likely be realized through economies of scale as larger ships pass through the expanded Panama ...
Southwest Economy , Issue Q3 , Pages 15

Journal Article
Noteworthy: Airlines: Texas carriers fly fuller; mergers ahead

Texas-based Southwest Airlines and American Airlines have seen more passengers and fuller planes this year. Carriers experienced a summer of increased demand and strong profit growth as the U.S. airline industry healed from the recession and a rough 2009. Resurgent business travel paced the revenue and profit increases. ; Mergers promise change for Texas' airline industry. Southwest plans to take over AirTran Holdings Inc. of Atlanta and keep corporate operations in Dallas, while Houston-based Continental Airlines Inc. merged with Chicago's UAL Corp. on Oct. 1 and began relocating corporate ...
Southwest Economy , Issue Q4 , Pages 14

Journal Article
Sizing up nanoelectronics: gauging the potential for new productivity wave

The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, in cooperation with the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), hosted a conference on nanoelectronics and the economy in Austin on Dec. 3, 2010. Economists and scientists explored how information technology has affected U.S. productivity and output growth and prospects for the future.
Southwest Economy , Issue Q2 , Pages 16-19

Journal Article
Texas housing on bumpy road after stimulus effects fade

Texas? housing sector remains in the doldrums following demand spikes in 2009 and 2010 aided by the homebuyer tax-credit program. When the federal government first offered the incentive in mid-2008, Texas home sales and construction were in a rapid descent that began with the U.S. housing crisis and accelerated when the state joined the nation in recession. As part of broader housing measures, a series of three homebuyer tax credits sought to reduce bloated inventories and arrest free-falling home values?a condition felt more profoundly at the national level than in Texas.
Southwest Economy , Issue Q2 , Pages 3-7

Working Paper
Did residential electricity rates fall after retail competition? a dynamic panel analysis

A key selling point for the restructuring of electricity markets was the promise of lower prices, that competition among independent power suppliers would lower electricity prices to retail customers. There is not much consensus in earlier studies on the effects of electricity deregulation, particularly for residential customers. Part of the reason for not finding a consistent link with deregulation and lower prices was that the removal of the transitional price caps led to higher prices. In addition, the timing of the removal of price caps coincided with rising fuel prices, which were passed ...
Working Papers , Paper 1105

Journal Article
Noteworthy: Transportation: Unexpected demand drives up shipping rates

Texas exports rose 2.7 percent in real terms in the first six months of the year, fueled by a nascent economic recovery that surprised some shipping companies. Increased demand in the state and nation contributed to spikes in the cost of container, truck and rail freight shipments.
Southwest Economy , Issue Q3 , Pages 14




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