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Author:Stockman, Alan C. 

Journal Article
Why a rule for stable prices may dominate a rule for zero inflation

An analysis of how a rule for monetary policy specifying a stable price level may dominate a rule for zero inflation with price-level drift, even in the case where, for purely economic reasons, an inflation rule is preferred.
Economic Review , Volume 27 , Issue Q I , Pages 2-8

Journal Article
Theoretical issues of liquidity effects.

Review , Issue May , Pages 3-25

Journal Article
The equilibrium to exchange rates

An abstract for this article is not available
Economic Review , Volume 73 , Issue Mar , Pages 12-30

Working Paper
Sources of business cycles in Korea and the United States

The authors estimate common and nation-specific components of technology shocks, real demand shocks, and combined (common and nation-specific) monetary shocks using quarterly data for Korea and the United States.
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 9820

Journal Article
Inflation, growth, and financial intermediation - commentary

Review , Volume 78 , Issue May , Pages 62-64

Journal Article
New evidence connecting exchange rates to business cycles

Economic Quarterly , Issue Spr , Pages 73-89

Working Paper
Tastes and technology in a two-country model of the business cycle: explaining international co-movements

The authors develop a two-country real business cycle model and examine its consistency with the behavior of relative prices, and the model's implications for economic aggregates at the sectoral level.
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 9019

Journal Article
Short-run effects on money when some prices are sticky

Economic Quarterly , Issue Sum , Pages 1-24

Conference Paper
The effects of real and monetary shocks in a business cycle model with some sticky prices


Conference Paper
Inflation, growth, and financial intermediation - commentary

Proceedings , Volume 78 , Issue May , Pages 62-64



Proceedings 6 items

Economic Review 3 items

Economic Commentary 2 items

Economic Quarterly 2 items

Review 2 items

Working Papers (Old Series) 2 items

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Ohanian, Lee E. 5 items

Gavin, William T. 3 items

Altig, David E. 1 items

Kilian, Lutz 1 items

Tesar, Linda L. 1 items

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