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Author:Startz, Richard 

Working Paper
Maximum-likelihood estimation of fractional cointegration with application to the short end of the yield curve

We estimate a multivariate autoregressive fractionally-integrated moving-average (ARFIMA) model to illustrate a cointegration testing methodology based on joint estimates of the fractional orders of integration of a cointegrating vector and its parent series. Although previous work has recognized that deviations from long-run relationships could exhibit long memory and go undetected in traditional 1(1)/i (0) cointegration analysis, previous tests for fractional cointegration relied on a two-step testing procedure and maintained the assumption in the second step that the parent series were ...
Working Papers , Paper 1994-027

Working Paper
Estimation of Markov regime-switching regression models with endogenous switching

Following Hamilton (1989), estimation of Markov regime-switching regressions nearly always relies on the assumption that the latent state variable controlling the regime change is exogenous. We incorporate endogenous switching into a Markov-switching regression and develop strategies for identification and estimation. Identification requires instruments, which can be found in observed exogenous variables that influence the transition probabilities of the regime-switching process, as in the so-called time-varying transition probability case. However, even with fixed transition probabilities, ...
Working Papers , Paper 2003-015

Journal Article
Are nominal wage changes skewed away from wage cuts? commentary

Review , Issue May , Pages 133-136

Working Paper
Permanent and transitory components of business cycles: their relative importance and dynamic relationship

This paper investigates the relationship between permanent and transitory components of U.S. recessions in an empirical model allowing for business cycle asymmetry. Using a common stochastic trend representation for real GNP and consumption, we divide real GNP into permanent and transitory components, the dynamics of which are different in booms vs. recessions. We find evidence of substantial asymmetries in postwar recessions, and that both the permanent and transitory component have contributed to these recessions. We also allow for the timing of switches from boom to recession for the ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 703

Working Paper
The dynamic relationship between permanent and transitory components of U.S. business cycles

This paper investigates the dynamic relationship between permanent and transitory components of post-war U.S. business cycles. We specify a time-series model for real GNP and consumption in which the two share a common stochastic trend and transitory component, and Markov-regime switching is used to model business cycle phases in these components. The timing of switches between business cycle phases is allowed to differ across the permanent and transitory components. We find strong evidence of a lead-lag relationship between the switches in the two components. Specifically, switches in the ...
Working Papers , Paper 2001-017


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Business cycles 2 items

Recessions 2 items

Cointegration 1 items

Econometric models 1 items

Regression analysis 1 items

Wages 1 items

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