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Author:Soursourian, Matthew 

Journal Article
Healthy food financing initiatives: Increasing access to fresh foods in underserved markets

The Fresh Food Financing Initiative in Philadelphia serves the financing needs of supermarket operators that plan to operate in underserved communities that may have limited access to affordable, healthy foods. Through successful partnerships, the Fresh Food Financing Initiative is being replicated across the country and the President?s 2011 budget proposal includes over $400 million for a national Healthy Food Financing Initiative.
Community Investments , Volume 22 , Issue Fall

Journal Article
Suburbanization of poverty in the Bay Area

Despite its persistent association with the "inner city," poverty has shifted toward the suburbs in the San Francisco Bay Area over the past decade. Using data from the 2000 census and the 2005-2009 ACS 5-year estimates, this research brief examines the changing geography of poverty in the Bay Area and its implications for the community development field.
Community Development Research Brief , Issue January , Pages 1-17

Journal Article
EITC in the 12th District

Within the Federal Reserve's 12th District, over 4 million families and individuals received the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for tax year 2007, totaling over $8 billion in credits. In this Research Brief, we examine trends in EITC usage across the 12th District, and look at how the EITC and tax time provide a unique opportunity to link lower-income households to financial services and other asset building.
Community Development Research Brief , Issue May , Pages 01-13

Journal Article
Equipping communities to achieve equitable transit-oriented development

Though transit-oriented development (TOD) is uniquely positioned to benefit low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities, most TOD projects do not focus on the interests of LMI communities and in some cases have dramatically disrupted low-income neighborhoods. However, there are several tools and strategies that can help mitigate the potential negative impacts of TOD and maximize benefits for LMI communities. This article examines Denver's TOD fund, Oakland CA's Fruitvale Village, and Longfellow Station in Minneapolis, MN, highlighting the equity provisions built into each model.
Community Investments , Volume 22 , Issue Summer


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