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Author:Solomon, Genevieve R. 

Journal Article
How labor market policies shape immigrants’ opportunities

When it comes to unemployment and labor force participation rates, immigrants do better in the United States than in most other countries. In 2005, for example, the foreign-born had average unemployment of 4.6 percent in the U.S., well below native-born workers? 5.2 percent. U.S. immigrants also had higher participation rates. The American experience stands in stark contrast to many other developed nations?. In France and Germany, for example, the foreign-born typically have jobless rates twice as high as native-born workers and lower participation rates. ; What accounts for these ...
Economic Letter , Volume 1

Working Paper
Integrated macroeconomic accounts for the United States: draft SNA-USA

This paper presents integrated macroeconomic accounts for the United States for the period 1985 to 2002 and discusses issues related to their construction and use. Specifically, it focuses on tying together the national income and product accounts (NIPAs) and international transaction accounts (ITA) published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the flow of funds accounts (FFA) published by the Federal Reserve Board. The paper provides integrated accounts for seven sectors: households and nonprofit organizations serving households, nonfinancial noncorporate businesses, nonfinancial ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2004-54

Journal Article
Obstacles to measuring global output gaps

Monetary policymakers pay close attention to levels of resource use. In the past, the focus was largely on domestic slack. Now, some analysts contend the ongoing process of globalization requires policymakers to look at global slack as well.
Economic Letter , Volume 2 , Issue 3


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Employment 1 items

Flow of funds 1 items

Immigrants 1 items

Labor policy 1 items

National income 1 items

economic conditions - United States 1 items

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