Search Results
The Labor Market for Childcare Workers
Each day, millions of parents rely on childcare workers to care for their young children. The labor market for childcare workers determines the wages paid to these workers and affects the operating costs of childcare businesses as well as the price and availability of childcare. As part of our Spotlight on Childcare and the Labor Market—a targeted effort to understand how access to childcare can affect employment and the economy—we use several data sources to study the paid childcare labor market.1 We first describe who childcare workers are, how many there are, where they work, and how ...
What Parents Say About How Childcare Problems Affect Employment and Hours Worked
There are about 60 million adults in the United States between the ages of 25 and 54 who live with at least one child under 18 years old. Roughly 50 million of these parents are in the labor force—either employed or actively seeking work—and they represent about 30% of the total U.S. labor force and nearly half of the labor force between the ages 25 to 54. As part of our Spotlight on Childcare and the Labor Market, a targeted effort to understand how access to childcare can affect employment and the economy, we examine these parents’ responses to questions in the U.S. Census Bureau’s ...