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Journal Article
Confronting Challenges, Exploring Solutions
In order to strengthen our economy in ways that enable greater economic mobility and prosperity, we must invest in opportunity. By investing in opportunity, we have the ability to empower people to build wealth and create value, to foster revitalization and promote resiliency in places that have experienced disinvestment, to invigorate civic engagement, and to mitigate the risks that poverty presents to our economic system. We are excited to explore ways to invest in opportunity both in this publication and throughout the 2018 Reinventing Our Communities conference
Supporting Philadelphia’s Black Homeowners in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Crisis
Homeownership remains an important means of building wealth in the United States.2 Purchasing a home early in adulthood can also lead to a virtuous cycle of accumulation by enabling homeowners to borrow against the value of their home to finance investments in higher education, entrepreneurship, and additional asset acquisition that, in turn, can boost lifetime earnings and capital gains.