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Author:Sims, Christopher A. 

Conference Paper
Model uncertainty and policy evaluation: some theory and empirics - comments


Working Paper
Methods for inference in large multiple-equation Markov-switching models

The inference for hidden Markov chain models in which the structure is a multiple-equation macroeconomic model raises a number of difficulties that are not as likely to appear in smaller models. One is likely to want to allow for many states in the Markov chain without allowing the number of free parameters in the transition matrix to grow as the square of the number of states but also without losing a convenient form for the posterior distribution of the transition matrix. Calculation of marginal data densities for assessing model fit is often difficult in high-dimensional models and seems ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2006-22

Journal Article
Commentary on \\"trends in hours, balanced growth, and the role of technology in the business cycle\\"

Review , Volume 87 , Issue Jul , Pages 487-492

Working Paper
Toward a modern macroeconomic model usable for policy analysis

FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 94-5

Discussion Paper
Understanding unit rooters: a helicopter tour

Discussion Paper / Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics , Paper 4

Journal Article
Inflation and growth - commentary

Review , Volume 78 , Issue May , Pages 173-178

Working Paper
Bayesian methods for dynamic multivariate models

If multivariate dynamic models are to be used to guide decision-making, it is important that it be possible to provide probability assessments of their results. Bayesian VAR models in the existing literature have not commonly (in fact, not at all as far as we know) been presented with error bands around forecasts or policy projections based on the posterior distribution. In this paper we show that it is possible to introduce prior information in both reduced form and structural VAR models without introducing substantial new computational burdens. With our approach, identified VAR analysis of ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 96-13

Working Paper
Error bands for impulse responses

We examine the theory and behavior in practice of Bayesian and bootstrap methods for generating error bands on impulse responses in dynamic linear models. The Bayesian intervals have a firmer theoretical foundation in small samples, are easier to compute, and are about as good in small samples by classical criteria as are the best bootstrap intervals. Bootstrap intervals based directly on the simulated small-sample distribution of an estimator, without bias correction, perform very badly. We show that a method that has been used to extend to the overidentified case standard algorithms for ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 95-6

Journal Article
Are forecasting models usable for policy analysis?

In this article, Christopher A. Sims argues the answer to his title is yes. Sims explains that any decisionmaking model must incorporate some identifying assumptions to enable it to forecast the effects of alternative decisions. He argues that although all identifying assumptions in econometric policymaking models are of uncertain validity, those incorporated in vector autoregression (VAR) forecasting models have the advantage of allowing their uncertainty to be measured. Sims concludes by demonstrating a method for identifying a small macroeconomic VAR model so that it can be used to analyze ...
Quarterly Review , Volume 10 , Issue Win , Pages 2-16

Conference Paper
Macroeconomic switching

We discuss the results of fitting a 6-variable structural VAR in which we allow for certain types of parameter variation over time. Allowing structural equation variances to change over time is extremely important in improving fit. Allowing the coefficients that define the model?s dynamics to change is less important to improving fit, though models with changing parameters are consistent with the data. We pay special attention to a version of the model that allows the monetary policy rule, but not other parts of the model, to show changing coefficients. Results from this model fit some ...
Proceedings , Issue Mar


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