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Author:Santomero, Anthony M. 

Journal Article
Corporate governance and responsibility

In the first article this quarter, President Anthony Santomero asks: What is the root of the corporate governance problems that have recently gained the spotlight? Is it the mega-merger frenzy of the 1980s? Overly optimistic forecasts of earnings? Innovations in the financial services industry? Although these factors undoubtedly played some role, President Santomero views governance problems as having deeper roots. In "Corporate Governance and Responsibility," he points out that the central dilemma is one of conflicting interests in organizations - what economists call "the ...
Business Review , Issue Q2 , Pages 1-5

Journal Article
Great expectations: the role of beliefs in economics and monetary policy

Whether one looks at consumers or businesses, expectations - people's beliefs - are driving forces of every economy. The economic outcomes one can expect from public policy are affected by the way beliefs are formed and how they vary over time. In "Great Expectations: The Role of Beliefs in Economics and Monetary Policy," President Anthony Santomero presents his perspective on the important role beliefs play in economic decisions and policymaking. He also offers some observations on the important role the policymaker's credibility plays in determining the outcome of any monetary policy ...
Business Review , Issue Q2 , Pages 1-6

Journal Article
Perspectives on research issues in consumer behavior

What happens when an academic researcher becomes a policymaker? Recently, President Anthony Santomero shared some thoughts on this topic with members for the Downtown Economists Club in New York City. In particular, he talked about several conundrums he's encountered since moving from the academy to the central bank. We've reprinted his speech "The Complexities of Monetary Policy" in this issue of the Business Review
Business Review , Issue Q3 , Pages 1-4

Journal Article
The determinants of success in the new financial services environment: now that firms can do everything, what should they do and why should regulators care?

Economic Policy Review , Issue Oct , Pages 11-23

Journal Article
Monetary policy: stability through change.

The recent business cycle has been driven by two forces: a series of extraordinary events and some longer term secular trends. In "Monetary Policy: Stability Through Change," President Anthony Santomero discusses how these extraordinary events, including the bursting of the tech bubble, the aftermath of 9/11, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the corporate accounting and governance scandals, have affected the U.S. economy. He then turns his focus to the longer term trends, including rapidly changing technology and the increasingly integrated global marketplace, which he expects to be ...
Business Review , Issue Q1 , Pages 1-5

Journal Article
Making monetary policy: what do we know and when do we know it?

President Anthony Santomero points out that conducting a successful monetary policy presents real-world challenges, such as evaluating where the economy is, where it is going, and where it should be going. But how do monetary policymakers make decisions about the economy in a world with imperfect information? Santomero discusses how policymaking is affected by both the availability and reliability of economic information. He concludes that given the information constraints policymakers face, the challenges of setting monetary policy will not go away, so we must find a way to meet them
Business Review , Issue Q4 , Pages 1-8

Journal Article
A farewell from President Santomero

President Anthony M. Santomero reflects on the economic challenges and changes during his tenure as president over the past six years and summarizes some of the Bank?s accomplishments.
Business Review , Issue Q1 , Pages 1-2

Journal Article
Lessons learned from the recent business cycle

The U.S. economy enjoyed a remarkable run in the 1990s. As it moved into the new century, however, the economy underwent various fits and starts before entering its current expansion phase. In this quarter?s message, President Anthony Santomero shares his views on the U.S. economy and outlines some of the ?Lessons Learned from the Recent Business Cycle.?
Business Review , Issue Q2 , Pages 1-7

Journal Article
New beginnings

In his first column, President Santomero talks about "New Beginnings" by introducing himself to the Business Review audience and by listing some of the challenges facing the Philadelphia metropolitan area and some options for dealing with them
Business Review , Issue Q1 , Pages 3-4

Journal Article
De novo banking in the third district

Business Review , Issue Jan , Pages 3-12



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