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Working Paper
Regulatory taxes, investment, and financing decision for insured banks
An investigation of the effects of interest rate and credit risk on optimal capital structure and investment decisions. The authors show that with no uncertainty in interest rates, capital regulation will reduce the risk of the bank's assets, but that under interest rate uncertainty, the impact of regulation may be detrimental and raise the risk of the deposits as well as government subsidies to the bank's shareholders.
Working Paper
On Markovian representations of the term structure
The linkages between term structures separated by finite time periods can be complex. Indeed, in general, the dynamics of the term structure could depend on the entire set of information revealed since the earlier date. This path dependence, which causes difficulties in pricing interest rate claims, is usually eliminated by making specific assumptions on investment behavior or on the evolution of interest rates. In contrast, this article identifies the class of volatility structures that permits the path dependence to be captured by a single sufficient statistic. An equilibrium framework is ...