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Author:Saas, Darcy Rollins 

Reading the fine print: how details matter in tax and expenditure limitations

At least 30 states, including Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, operate under ?tax and expenditure limitations? (TELs): formula-based budgeting requirements that apply specific limits to expenditures, appropriations, or revenue collections by state or local government. More than a dozen states considered TELs in 2006. Legislation proposing a new TEL to further limit General Fund appropriations in Rhode Island was introduced; Maine citizens will vote on a more restrictive TEL this November. ; Several factors, including a desire for lower taxes and a belief that additional ...
New England Public Policy Center Research Report , Paper 06-3

Crowded out of the housing market: declining affordability and availability are squeezing New England's very low-income households

Though many New Englanders find it difficult to buy and maintain a home or pay monthly rent, the problem is particularly acute for the region's very low-income households. While many reports about housing affordability focus on the growing affordability challenges faced by middle-income households, they often overlook a crucial problem in the region: very low-income households--those in the bottom fifth of the income distribution are squeezed by declining affordability and limited availability.
New England Public Policy Center Policy Brief

Discussion Paper
School finance in Vermont: balancing equal education and fair tax burdens

An education finance system that is constitutional under the Brigham ruling mandates sacrifices on the part of taxpayers for a public good?educated citizens. It remains to be seen if current proposals can make that sacrifice more palatable or ensure that those bearing the burden have the most stake in the outcomes of the system.
New England Public Policy Center Discussion Paper , Paper 07-1

Hollywood east?: film tax credits in New England

Five of the six New England states now provide tax credits or other financial incentives to attract producers to film on location. This policy brief discusses whether these incentives attract more production, and whether they are cost-effective in creating jobs. It focuses on the use of one major incentive: film tax credits.
New England Public Policy Center Policy Brief