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Author:Russ, Katheryn N. 

Working Paper
Currency Areas, Labor Markets, and Regional Cyclical Sensitivity

In his papers during the lead up to the birth of the European Monetary Union, Obstfeld considered whether the countries forming the EMU were sufficiently similar to survive a single monetary policy--and more importantly, whether they had the capacity to adjust to asymmetric shocks given a single monetary and exchange rate policy. The convention at the time was to take the United States as the baseline for a smoothly functioning currency union. We document the evolution of the literature on regional labor market adjustment within the United States, expanding on stylized facts illustrating how ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2023-22

Working Paper
Teams of rivals: endogenous markups in a Ricardian world

We show that an ostensibly disparate set of stylized facts regarding firm pricing behavior can arise in a Ricardian model with Bertrand competition. Generalizing the Bernard, Eaton, Jenson, and Kortum (2003) model allows firms' markups over marginal cost to fall under trade liberalization, but increase with FDI, matching empirical studies in international trade. We are able to mesh this dichotomy with the existence of pricing-to-market and imperfect pass-through, as well as to capture stylized facts regarding the frequency and synchronization of price adjustment across markets. The result is ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers , Paper 67

Journal Article
Bank vs. bond financing over the business cycle

While bank lending contracts during the typical recession, liquidity in bond markets may not.
Economic Synopses

Working Paper
A theory of banks, bonds, and the distribution of firm size

We draw on stylized facts from the finance literature to build a model where altering the relative costs of bank and bond financing changes the entire distribution of firm size, with implications for the aggregate capital stock, output, and welfare. Reducing transactions costs in the bond market increases the output and profits of mid-sized firms at the expense of both the largest and smallest firms. In contrast, reducing the frictions involved in bank lending promotes the expansion of the smallest firms while all other firms shrink, even as it increases the profitability of both small and ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2009-25

Journal Article
Exchange rate volatility in a simple model of firm entry and FDI

Recent discussions of exchange rate determination have emphasized the possible role of foreign direct investment in influencing exchange rate behavior. Yet, there are few existing models of multinational enterprises (MNEs) and endogenous exchange rates. This article demonstrates that the entry decisions of MNEs can influence the volatility of the real exchange rate in countries where there are significant costs involved in maintaining production facilities, even when prices are perfectly flexible. We develop an analytically tractable framework with closed-form solution, but show that the ...
Economic Quarterly , Volume 98 , Issue 1Q , Pages 51-76

Conference Paper
Jackson Hole 2023 - Global Production Networks

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Working Paper
Financial choice in a non-Ricardian model of trade

We join the new trade theory with a model of choice between bank and bond financing to show the differential effects of financial policy on the distribution of firm size, welfare, aggregate output, gains from trade, and the real exchange rate in a small open economy. Increasing bank efficiency and reducing bond transaction costs both increase welfare but have opposite effects on the extensive margin of trade, aggregate exports, and the real exchange rate. Increasing the degree of trade openness increases firms' relative demand for bond versus bank financing. We identify a financial switching ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2009-27


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