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Author:Routh, Aditi 

Working Paper
Which Types of Unbanked Households Are More (or Less) Likely to Open a Bank Account?

Using multi-year survey data, we conduct a regression model analysis to examine which types of unbanked households are more likely to open a bank account and which types are less likely. We proxy for households’ likelihood of opening a bank account using their prior banking status and interest in having a bank account. Unbanked households who previously had a bank account and are interested in having a bank account are more likely to open an account. These households tend to be more educated, to be native-born, to use alternative financial services, and to have access to digital technology. ...
Research Working Paper , Paper RWP 23-08

The Role of Nonbanks and Fintechs in Boosting India’s UPI Person-to-Merchant Transactions

Unified Payments Interface (UPI), a mobile-based instant payment system in India, has grown substantially in the last few years. Indians initially used UPI for person-to-person (P2P) payments, but today use UPI more for person-to-merchant (P2M) payments. Nonbanks and fintechs have contributed to the rapid growth of UPI P2M payments by providing third-party apps, merchant services, and consumer credit, as well as enabling UPI P2M payments to expand beyond India’s borders.
Payments System Research Briefing

Working Paper
Financial Literacy, Risk Tolerance, and Cryptocurrency Ownership in the United States

Cryptocurrency owners without sufficient financial literacy and risk tolerance may be financially vulnerable, as the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and lacks consumer protections. Our study divides cryptocurrency owners into three groups based on their purpose for holding cryptocurrencies—for investment only (investors), for transactions only (transactors), and for a mix of investment and transactions (mix users)—and examines how each group correlates with financial literacy and risk tolerance compared to consumers who do not own cryptocurrencies (nonowners). Using the 2022 ...
Research Working Paper , Paper RWP 24-03


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