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Author:Rosenblum, Harvey 

Journal Article
Fed intervention: managing moral hazard in financial crises

At the end of September 2008, U.S. policymakers had been working for more than a year to contain the shock waves from plunging home prices and the subsequent financial market turmoil. For the Federal Reserve, the crisis has given new meaning to the adage that extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. The central bank has dusted off Depression-era powers and rewritten old rules to address serious risks to the global financial system.
Economic Letter , Volume 3

Journal Article
Interest rate volatility in historical perspective

Economic Perspectives , Volume 7 , Issue Jan

Journal Article
Money and inflation in a deregulated financial environment

Economic and Financial Policy Review , Issue May , Pages 1-19

Journal Article
Deregulation of the financial sector

Economic Perspectives , Volume 6 , Issue Fall

Journal Article
Growth in the U.S. economy depends on stronger consumer spending

Southwest Economy , Issue Mar , Pages 1-4

Journal Article
Bank and nonbanks: The horse race continues

Economic Perspectives , Volume 9 , Issue May , Pages 3-17

Journal Article
Why Social Security should be privatized

Southwest Economy , Issue May , Pages 6-11

Journal Article
From complacency to crisis: financial risk taking in the early 21st century

During the first half of this decade, the belief that new financial products would adequately shield investors from risk encouraged financial flows to less creditworthy households and businesses. By late 2006, U.S. financial markets were flashing warning signals of a potential financial crisis. ; In a sign that investors had become too complacent, risk premiums had all but vanished in junk bond and emerging-market interest rate spreads. Then, conditions changed abruptly. In the important and usually stable market for asset-backed commercial paper, premiums on three-month paper over Treasury ...
Economic Letter , Volume 2

Journal Article
Bankers and nonbanks: a run for the money

Economic Perspectives , Volume 7 , Issue May

Choosing the road to prosperity: why we must end too big to fail—now

The too-big-to-fail institutions that amplified and prolonged the recent financial crisis remain a hindrance to full economic recovery and to the very ideal of American capitalism. It is imperative that we end TBTF.
Annual Report



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