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Author:Rose, Jonathan D. 

Working Paper
Blockbusting and the Challenges Faced by Black Families in Building Wealth Through Housing in the Postwar United States

We study the impacts of blockbusting, i.e. large-scale racial turnover of urban neighborhoods orchestrated by real estate professionals using aggressive and discriminatory practices. In a panel of census tracts across large cities in the postwar United States, we compare tracts subjected to blockbusting activity to similar neighboring tracts not subjected to blockbusting. We find that blockbusting caused substantially lower house values over the next few decades. To understand the mechanisms behind this effect, we analyze property-level data in one neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland. We find ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP 2023-02

Journal Article
Understanding the Speed and Size of Bank Runs in Historical Comparison

Bank runs have always been fast, but today’s runs are even faster.
Economic Synopses , Issue 12 , Pages 5 pages

Working Paper
Old-Fashioned Deposit Runs

This paper characterizes the deposit runs that occurred in the commercial banking system during 2008 and compares them with deposit runs during the 1930s. The importance of withdrawals by large depositors is a strong source of continuity across the two eras and reflects the longstanding concentration of deposit holdings. Runs occurred during 2008 despite the presence of national deposit insurance, which does not fully cover large accounts and therefore has limited impact on the incentives of those account holders. Large depositors continue to represent a source of both market discipline and ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2015-111

Journal Article
Profits and balance sheet developments at U.S. commercial banks in 2009

Reviews recent developments in the balance sheets and in the profitability of U.S. commercial banks. The article discusses how developments in the U.S. banking industry in 2009 and early 2010 were related to changes in financial markets and in the broader economy.
Federal Reserve Bulletin , Volume 96 , Issue May , Pages A1-37

Journal Article
Statistics on Federal Reserve System Employment, 1915 to 2022

Employment in the Federal Reserve System has been shaped by various factors over time, including demand for services, efficiency and productivity, legislative mandates, and responses to major economic events.
Economic Synopses , Issue 16 , Pages 2 pages

Working Paper
When good investments go bad: the contraction in community bank lending after the 2008 GSE takeover

In September 2008, the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placed into conservatorship and dividend payments on common and preferred shares were suspended. As a result, share prices fell to nearly zero and many banks across the country lost the value of their investments in the preferred shares. We estimate more than 600 depository institutions in the United States were exposed to at least $8 billion in investment losses from these securities. In addition, fifteen failures and two distressed mergers either directly or indirectly resulted from the takeover. ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 1045

Working Paper
New Evidence on Redlining by Federal Housing Programs in the 1930s

We show that the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), from its inception in the 1930s, did not insure mortgages in low income urban neighborhoods where the vast majority of urban Black Americans lived. The agency evaluated neighborhoods using block-level information collected by New Deal relief programs and the Census in many cities. The FHA's exclusionary pattern predates the advent of the infamous maps later made by the Home Owners' Loan Corporation (HOLC) and shows little change after the drafting of those maps. In contrast, the HOLC itself broadly loaned to such neighborhoods and to ...
Working Paper Series

How Common Was Blockbusting in the Postwar U.S.?

This article documents the prevalence of blockbusting—the orchestration of racial turnover in urban neighborhoods—throughout many major U.S. cities from the 1950s through the 1970s.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue 468 , Pages 6

Working Paper
Can a Bank Run Be Stopped? Government Guarantees and the Run on Continental Illinois

This paper analyzes the run on Continental Illinois in 1984. We find that the run slowed but did not stop following an extraordinary government intervention, which included the guarantee of all liabilities of the bank and a commitment to provide ongoing liquidity support. Continental's outflows were driven by a broad set of US and foreign financial institutions. These were large, sophisticated creditors with holdings far in excess of the insurance limit. During the initial run, creditors with relatively liquid balance sheets nevertheless withdrew more than other creditors, likely reflecting ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2016-3

A Retrospective on the Crypto Runs of 2022

In this article, we describe the spectacular collapse of several crypto-asset platforms in 2022 following investment losses and widespread customer withdrawals. These platforms offered and marketed to customers a number of products and services related to crypto-assets, including high-yield investments, trading, and custody services. The platforms were subject to run risk: They allowed customers to withdraw funds on demand while using those funds to make illiquid and risky investments, in part to generate the high rates of returns promised to customers on investment products. In one of the ...
Chicago Fed Letter , Volume no 479 , Pages 7


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