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Author:Rochet, Jean-Charles 

Conference Paper
Competition: horizontal integration: general discussion

Proceedings – Payments System Research Conferences

Conference Paper
Some economics of horizontal integration in the payments industry

Proceedings – Payments System Research Conferences

Conference Paper
Controlling risk in payment systems


Conference Paper
Interbank lending and systemic risk


Conference Paper
Comments on the impact of regulatory practices

Proceedings , Paper 824

Journal Article
Rebalancing the three pillars of Basel II

The author observes that the three pillars of Basel II seem uneven: Pillars 1 and 2 have eclipsed Pillar 3 - market discipline and disclosure - in the Basle Committee's deliberations. He works through a banking model of the three Pillars, shows how the optimal liquidation limit varies with bank liability structure and the regulatory regime, and argues that market discipline, via mandatory subordinated debt issuance, can reduce forbearance by supervisors.
Economic Policy Review , Issue Sep , Pages 7-21

Conference Paper
Policies to stabilize financial markets

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Conference Paper
Systemic risk, interbank relations, and liquidity provision by the central bank


Conference Paper
The interchange fee mysteries : commentary on Evans and Schmalensee

Proceedings – Payments System Research Conferences , Issue May , Pages 139-144

Conference Paper
Commentary : rethinking capital regulation

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole