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TARGET2: symptom, not cause, of eurozone woes
In recent years, large positive and negative balances have arisen in TARGET2, the interbank settlement and payments system of the Eurozone. These balances show that the Deutsche Bundesbank, the central bank of Germany, has become a large net creditor to the European Central Bank (ECB). Conversely, they show that central banks in the periphery nations of Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain have become significant net debtors to the ECB. Critics of the Eurosystem have portrayed these balances as a "stealth bailout" of the periphery nations, but TARGET2 merely reflects persistent ...
Journal Article
Upfront: Regional news at a glance
Journal Article
Upfront: Regional news at a glance
Journal Article
Upfront: Regional news at a glance
All Mortgages Are Not Created Equal
Housing experts have studied the relative performance of different types of mortgages during the housing crisis. But foreclosure analysis often overlooks distinctions between mortgages issued to occupant owners and those issued to non-occupant owners. This Economic Brief highlights the impact of non-occupant-owner mortgages on the housing crisis.
Journal Article
Coal Crunch Massive Mining Layoffs Hit WV
Regional News
Journal Article
Economic History: Free to Speculate
British frontier policy threatened Colonial land speculation on the eve of the American Revolution
2019 Richmond Fed Research Digest
Summaries of work by economists in the Bank’s Research Department published externally from June 1, 2018, through May 31, 2019
2018 Richmond Fed Research Digest
Summaries of work by economists in the Bank’s Research Department published externally from June 1, 2017, through May 31, 2018