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Discussion Paper
Bank mergers and banking structure in the United States, 1980-98
The U.S. banking industry experienced a sustained and unprecedented merger movement from 1980 to 1998. During that period, approximately 8,000 bank mergers occurred, involving about $2.4 trillion in acquired assets. The 1990s, especially 1994-98, was a period of numerous large bank mergers, including several that were among the largest in U.S. banking history. This study describes various aspects of that bank merger activity and some of the changes in U.S. banking structure and performance that took place during 1980-98. With respect to bank merger activity, the study examines the number and ...
Journal Article
The competitive effects of interstate banking
Discussion Paper
Bank mergers and industrywide structure
This study presents data on all bank mergers from 1980 to 1994, including the number, sizes, locations, and types. To place the mergers in perspective, the paper also examines industrywide data on banking structure and performance, including data on branches, ATMs, stock prices, and changes in the number of organizations over the period. ; Among other findings, the data show that (1) 1980-94 was a period of record merger activity, with more than 6,300 mergers and $1.2 trillion in acquired assets; (2) several of the largest mergers in U.S. banking history, including BankAmerica-Security ...
Discussion Paper
The performance of bank holding company-affiliated finance companies
Discussion Paper
Foothold acquisitions and bank market structure