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Author:Renier, Jessica 

Journal Article
Fed intervention: managing moral hazard in financial crises

At the end of September 2008, U.S. policymakers had been working for more than a year to contain the shock waves from plunging home prices and the subsequent financial market turmoil. For the Federal Reserve, the crisis has given new meaning to the adage that extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. The central bank has dusted off Depression-era powers and rewritten old rules to address serious risks to the global financial system.
Economic Letter , Volume 3

Journal Article
Noteworthy: Texas trade: exports take a turn for the worse

Exports have gone from a source of strength to a drag on the Texas economy. The state's real exports declined nearly 20 percent from their peak in second quarter 2008 through first quarter 2009, ending a five-year growth spurt.
Southwest Economy , Issue Q2 , Pages 15

Journal Article
Corpus Christi: an economy in transition

Corpus Christi tempts tourists with miles of beaches, sea breezes, an arts and museum district, waterfront restaurants, shopping and more. It is also home to a major seaport, Texas A&M UniversityCorpus Christi, a large health care system, military bases, refineries and chemical plants. Port activity and tourism remain important components of the Corpus Christi economy. However, some sectors are declining in importance, such as agriculture, oil and gas, petrochemicals and military, while others are expanding, such as health care, alternative energy and education. ; Jobs in the Corpus Christi ...

Journal Article
Noteworthy: energy: new Texas LNG terminals put on hold

Southwest Economy , Issue May , Pages 14

Journal Article
Fed policy in the financial crisis: arresting the adverse feedback loop

An adverse feedback loop takes hold when a weakening financial system and a slowing economy feed off each other. A crisis or shock curtails lending, hobbling the real economy; the more production and employment falter, the more lending contracts. ; Arresting the adverse feedback loop could prove to be the seminal challenge of early 21st century monetary policymaking. Since sounding the alarm in January 2008, the Fed has taken a series of actions--many unprecedented--to prevent additional damage to financial markets and restore lending activity. These policies have had some success in ...
Economic Letter , Volume 4

Journal Article
Noteworthy: housing: tax credit boosts sales to first-time homebuyers in Texas

The beleaguered Texas housing market has been getting some help from Washington's attempts to revive the economy. First-time homebuyers in the state are taking advantage of tax credits of as much as $8,000 provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Southwest Economy , Issue Q3 , Pages 14

Journal Article
Regulatory and monetary policies meet \\"too big to fail\\"

In 2010, the U.S. economy has been showing signs of pulling out of its tailspin. But questions remain about why it took so much monetary policy firepower to deal with the crisis.
Economic Letter , Volume 5

Journal Article
Noteworthy: agriculture: Texas rice acreage grows with prices

Southwest Economy , Issue May , Pages 14

Journal Article
Noteworthy: Texas economy: state ranks 4th in personal income growth

Southwest Economy , Issue Mar , Pages 14

Journal Article
Noteworthy: hurricane season, venture capital, exports

Ike deals severe blow to Texas economy. Texas investment funding slips in 2nd quarter. Latin America, China lead Texas surge in overseas sales.
Southwest Economy , Issue Sep , Pages 5




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