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Author:Remolona, Eli M. 

What was the market's view of U.K. monetary policy? Estimating inflation risk and expected inflation with indexed bonds

A measure of the credibility of monetary policy is the inflation risk premium in nominal yields. This will be time varying and can be estimated by combining the information in the nominal term structure with that in the real term structure. We estimate these risk premia using a generalized CIR affine-yield model, with one factor driving the real term structure of monthly observations on two-year, five-year and ten-year UK index-linked debt and two factors driving the term structure of the corresponding nominal yields. Our estimates show that the inflation risk premium contributes on average ...
Staff Reports , Paper 57

A three-factor econometric model of the U.S. term structure

We estimate and test a model of the U.S. term structure that fits both the time series of interest rates and the cross-sectional shapes of the yield and volatility curves. In the model, three unobserved factors drive a stochastic discount process that prices assets so as to rule out arbitrage opportunities. The resulting bond yields are conveniently affine in the factors. We use monthly zero-coupon yield data from January 1986 to March 1996 and estimate the model by applying a Kalman filter that takes into account the model's no-arbitrage restrictions and using only three maturities at a ...
Research Paper , Paper 9619

The short end of the forward convergence curve and asymmetric cat's tail convergence

How is the term structure able to predict future interest rates several months in the future and why is it so steep at the short end? Recent empirical work shows that rates of mean reversion are too slow to help predict short rates or to account for the curve's steepness. We propose that short term interest rates are predictable because Federal Reserve actions are predictable. In particular, our estimates suggest that the market anticipates the Fed's monetary stance twelve months in advance. Moreover, forward rates contain more information when the Fed is expected to tighten than when it is ...
Research Paper , Paper 9523

Journal Article
Understanding international differences in leverage trends

Quarterly Review , Volume 15 , Issue Spr , Pages 31-42

Finance companies, bank competition and niche markets

Research Paper , Paper 9316

Two factors along the yield curve

We estimate two-factor equilibrium models on different parts of the yield curve. In this exploration of the term structure of interest rates, we use two-factor affine yield models as our diagnostic tool. The exercise provides insights on how to reconcile the time-series dynamics of interest rates with the cross-sectional shapes of the term structure and on how movements in the yield curve are related to macroeconomic fundamentals. The evidence favors models in which one factor reverts over time to a time-varying mean. One such model seems adequate to explain three-month to two-year bond ...
Research Paper , Paper 9613

Journal Article
Finance companies, bank competition, and niche markets

During the 1980s, U.S. commercial banks faced increased competition in their lending activity from large finance companies. This article analyzes the differential performance of banks and finance companies in various segments of the consumer and business credit markets. In particular, it explores why banks were seemingly slow to take advantage of opportunities in fast-growing finance company niche markets.
Quarterly Review , Volume 17 , Issue Sum , Pages 25-38

Loan swaps and the LDC debt problem

Research Paper , Paper 8615

Journal Article
Market returns and mutual fund flows

With the increased popularity of mutual funds come increased concerns. Namely, could a sharp drop in stock and bond prices set off a cascade of redemptions by mutual fund investors and could the redemptions exert further downward pressure on asset markets? The authors analyze this relationship by using instrumental variables--a measuring technique previously unapplied to market returns and mutual fund flows--to determine the effect of returns on flows. Despite market observers' fears of a downward spiral in asset prices, the authors conclude that the short-term effect of market returns on ...
Economic Policy Review , Volume 3 , Issue Jul , Pages 33-52

Understanding international differences in leverage trends

Research Paper , Paper 9025



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