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Author:Reinbold, Brian 

Journal Article
First-Time Homebuyers Appear to Be Younger, Less Creditworthy in Eighth District

First-time homebuyers are essential to the dynamics of the housing market by allowing current homeowners to trade up. The number of first-time homebuyers decreased between 2000 and 2011, and then started slowly increasing again. There are many possible reasons why this happened, such as rising rent and home prices, rising student debt and tightening credit standards.
The Regional Economist , Volume 25 , Issue 4

Trade and U.S. Gold Reserves during the Classical Gold Standard Era

During the period from around 1870 to the outbreak of World War I, changes in a nation’s gold reserves were closely linked to changes in its trade balances.
On the Economy

Journal Article
Income and Living Standards within the Eighth District

In this article, we have look at the distribution of living standards in terms of the purchasing power of real per capita personal income by county using RPPs. Adjusting income for cost of living allows us to evaluate inequality in income?s local purchasing power instead of income per se. We see that overall inequality is not so severe in the District once adjusted for the cost of living, both across counties and in comparison to the nation. We also see that living standards tend to be higher within MSAs than outside them. In general, inequality is less severe when measured by living ...
The Regional Economist , Volume 26 , Issue 1

Journal Article
Changing Trade Relations May Affect U.S. Auto Exports in Long Run

The proposed trade agreement USMCA and trade disputes with China may have an impact on the U.S. auto sector.
The Regional Economist , Volume 27 , Issue 1

Journal Article
The Changing Relationship between Trade and America’s Gold Reserves

For much of U.S. history, gold reserves and trade flows were closely linked. That changed with the end of the gold standard.
The Regional Economist , Volume 28 , Issue 1

Journal Article
Anecdotal Evidence Suggests State Capacity Unrelated to COVID-19 Spread

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored many societal issues, including the capacity of different world governments to contain the virus’ spread.
The Regional Economist , Volume 28 , Issue 4

Journal Article
Historical U.S. Trade Deficits

U.S. trade deficits appear to follow phases of industrialization.
Economic Synopses , Issue 13

Comparing Value-Added Trade and Gross Trade

Which one provides a more accurate picture of global trade? And what does the U.S. trade balance with several major trading partners look like for the two measures?
On the Economy

Journal Article
Housing Costs and Regional Income Inequality in China and the U.S.

In this article, we look at regional per capita disposable income data for China, a developing nation, and the U.S., an advanced economy, to see how income inequality compares between two large countries with a substantial income gap.
The Regional Economist , Volume 26 , Issue 2

Shifts in U.S. Trade Balance and Industrialization

As the U.S. has industrialized, changes in comparative advantage relative to those of other nations have led to periods of persistent trade surpluses and deficits.
On the Economy




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