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Journal Article
Flows To and From Working Part Time for Economic Reasons and the Labor Market Aggregates During and After the 2007-09 Recession
Using counterfactual exercises for the transition probabilities between full-time employment, part-time employment for economic reasons (PTER), part-time employment for noneconomic reasons (PTNER), unemployment, and out-of-the-labor-force similar to Shimer (2012), we find that, ceteris paribus, changes in the transition probabilities to and from PTER in the aftermath of the 2007-09 recession were mainly associated with changes in the composition of employment (full- versus part time, and PTER versus PTNER) instead of with changes in the distribution of individuals between employment and ...
Journal Article
Aging and the Economy: The Japanese Experience
Because of its unusually high percentage of older people, Japan is heavily analyzed by other developed economies for studying the impact of aging on a macroeconomy. Does a large older population affect such things as output, inflation and labor force participation?
Journal Article
Is involuntary part-time employment different after the great recession?
The unemployment rate has been declining significantly since the Great Recession ended; however, the ranks of those involuntarily working part time have been declining at a slower pace. How does this situation compare with what happened after previous recessions?