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Author:Rasche, Robert H. 

Journal Article
Revision of the monetary base

Review , Volume 59 , Issue Jul , Pages 13-28

Working Paper
The remarkable stability of monetary base velocity in the United States, 1919-1999

This analysis examines the long-run demand for the adjusted monetary base in the United States, 1919-1999. When the "price"of the base is measured by the inverse of the yield on long-term, high-quality corporate bonds and an appropriate functional form is selected, the quantity of base money demanded is found to be a stable function "...of a small number of variables."
Working Papers , Paper 2001-008

Working Paper
Retail sweep programs and bank reserves, 1994--1999

Since January 1994, the Federal Reserve Board has permitted depository institutions in the United States to implement so-called retail sweep programs. The essence of these programs is computer software that dynamically reclassifies customer deposits between transaction accounts, which are subject to statutory reserve requirement ratios as high as 10 percent, and money market deposit accounts, which have a zero ratio. Through the use of such software, hundreds of banks have sharply reduced the amount of their required reserves. In some cases, this new level of required reserves is less than ...
Working Papers , Paper 2000-023

Journal Article
Debt-management policy and the own price elasticity of demand for U.S. government notes and bonds

Review , Volume 59 , Issue Sep , Pages 8-22

Journal Article
A comparative static analysis of some monetarist propositions

Review , Volume 55 , Issue Dec , Pages 15-23

Working Paper
The effectiveness of monetary policy

The analysis addresses changing views of the role and effectiveness of monetary policy, inflation targeting as an "effective monetary policy," monetary policy and short-run (output) stabilization, and problems in implementing a short-run stabilization policy.
Working Papers , Paper 2005-048

Journal Article
Measuring the adjusted monetary base in an era of financial change

Review , Issue Nov , Pages 3-37

Journal Article
A neutral federal funds rate?

Monetary Trends , Issue Dec

Working Paper
Construction of an estimated domestic monetary base using new estimates of foreign holdings of U.S. currency

This paper presents a new method to estimate the amount of U.S. currency held abroad. The method exploits the fact the Federal Reserve System is the major processor of currency for depository institutions. The method exploits differentials across denominations in the ratios of shipments to receipts of currency at Federal Reserve cash offices in New York City and nationwide. The method permits us to construct a new monthly time series on the domestic monetary base, M1 and M2. The method has several advantages over previous methods, including an earlier starting date (1965) and the ability to ...
Working Papers , Paper 1997-019

Journal Article
A comparison of yields on future contracts and implied forward rates

Review , Volume 60 , Issue Dec , Pages 21-30


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