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Author:Poole, William 

Fed policy to the bond yield

Presentation to the Midwest Region of the National Association of State Treasurers, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis - July 12, 2002
Speech , Paper 44

Journal Article
Stable prices, stable economy: keeping inflation in check must be No. 1 goal of monetary policymakers

Conventional wisdom holds that if policymakers are too focused on controlling inflation, then employment, output growth and financial stability will suffer. But the conventional wisdom is wrong, according to the data.
The Regional Economist , Issue Jan , Pages 4-9

Journal Article
What should a central bank look like?

To figure out what a central bank should look like, consider that most have three features in common: independence, transparency and a goal of low and stable inflation.
The Regional Economist , Issue Jul , Pages 4-9

What is happening in the U.S. economy?

Presentation before the AAIM Management Association, St. Louis - Jan. 11, 2002
Speech , Paper 50

Perspectives on productivity

Presentation at the Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Edwardsville, Ill. - April 7, 2000
Speech , Paper 69

Journal Article
Credit veils and credit realities

Quarterly Review , Volume 18 , Issue Spr , Pages 83-85


Global Interdependence Center Central Bank Series, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, May 18, 2006
Speech , Paper 101

Journal Article
Current issues in monetary control

An abstract for this article is not available
Economic Review , Volume 66 , Issue Jul , Pages 20-27

Journal Article
The real population problem: too few working, too many retired

It's not the total number of people that should be causing worry, but the number of retired people relative to those still working. Across the world, the ranks of retirees are swelling and the ranks of those working - and paying taxes to support retirees - are not keeping up.
The Regional Economist , Issue Apr , Pages 4-9

Communicating the Fed's policy stance

Presentation at the HM Treasury/GES Conference, London, Nov. 30, 2005
Speech , Paper 95


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Monetary policy 58 items

Inflation (Finance) 27 items

Financial markets 13 items

Banks and banking, Central 11 items

Economic conditions 11 items

Monetary policy - United States 11 items

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