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Author:Phillips, Susan M. 

Journal Article
Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (Federal Reserve System Accountability Act of 1993, H.R. 28)

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Dec , Pages 1115-1116

Journal Article
Susan M. Phillips resigned as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, effective June 30, 1998.

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Jun

Journal Article
Statement to Congress, April 15, 1997(Board's views on the regulation of derivative contracts under the Commodity Exchange Act)

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Jun , Pages 497-500

Journal Article
New approaches aid risk measurement, management

Financial Update , Volume 8 , Issue Oct , Pages 1, 5, 6

Conference Paper
Risk measurement and systemic risk - opening remarks


Conference Paper
Symposium concluding remarks


Journal Article
Statement to Congress, May 2, 1995(S. 650, Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995)

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Jul , Pages 671-675

Journal Article
Statement to Congress, April 18, 1996(Entrepreneurial Investment Act of 1996)

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Jun