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Author:Patton, Andrew J. 

Working Paper
High-Dimensional Copula-Based Distributions with Mixed Frequency Data

This paper proposes a new model for high-dimensional distributions of asset returns that utilizes mixed frequency data and copulas. The dependence between returns is decomposed into linear and nonlinear components, enabling the use of high frequency data to accurately forecast linear dependence, and a new class of copulas designed to capture nonlinear dependence among the resulting uncorrelated, low frequency, residuals. Estimation of the new class of copulas is conducted using composite likelihood, facilitating applications involving hundreds of variables. In- and out-of-sample tests confirm ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2015-50

Working Paper
Modelling Dependence in High Dimensions with Factor Copulas

his paper presents flexible new models for the dependence structure, or copula, of economic variables based on a latent factor structure. The proposed models are particularly attractive for relatively high dimensional applications, involving fifty or more variables, and can be combined with semiparametric marginal distributions to obtain flexible multivariate distributions. Factor copulas generally lack a closed-form density, but we obtain analytical results for the implied tail dependence using extreme value theory, and we verify that simulation-based estimation using rank statistics is ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2015-51

Working Paper
Dynamic Factor Copula Models with Estimated Cluster Assignments

This paper proposes a dynamic multi-factor copula for use in high dimensional time series applications. A novel feature of our model is that the assignment of individual variables to groups is estimated from the data, rather than being pre-assigned using SIC industry codes, market capitalization ranks, or other ad hoc methods. We adapt the k-means clustering algorithm for use in our application and show that it has excellent finite-sample properties. Applying the new model to returns on 110 US equities, we find around 20 clusters to be optimal. In out-of-sample forecasts, we find that a model ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2021-029r1

Working Paper
Better the Devil You Know: Improved Forecasts from Imperfect Models

Many important economic decisions are based on a parametric forecasting model that is known to be good but imperfect. We propose methods to improve out-of-sample forecasts from a mis- speci…ed model by estimating its parameters using a form of local M estimation (thereby nesting local OLS and local MLE), drawing on information from a state variable that is correlated with the misspeci…cation of the model. We theoretically consider the forecast environments in which our approach is likely to o¤er improvements over standard methods, and we …nd signi…cant fore- cast improvements from ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2021-071

Working Paper
Dynamic Factor Copula Models with Estimated Cluster Assignments

This paper proposes a dynamic multi-factor copula for use in high dimensional time series applications. A novel feature of our model is that the assignment of individual variables to groups is estimated from the data, rather than being pre-assigned using SIC industry codes, market capitalization ranks, or other ad hoc methods. We adapt the k-means clustering algorithm for use in our application and show that it has excellent finite-sample properties. Applying the new model to returns on 110 US equities, we find around 20 clusters to be optimal. In out-of-sample forecasts, we find that a model ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2021-029


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