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Author:Owens, Antoniya 

Journal Article
Recovering from base closings: on the road to recovery: military bases get a facelift

Although some challenges facing communities affected by base closures are unique to each situation, successful redevelopment strategies share three critical features: partnerships; creativity and flexibility; and persistence. The author considers several cases in New England.
Communities and Banking , Issue Spr , Pages 28-31

Journal Article
New England immigrants and the labor market

New England?s population has avoided an overall decline thanks to the growing numbers of immigrants. New England Public Policy Center research shows immigrants are also filling many of the region?s labor needs.
Communities and Banking , Issue Sum , Pages 12-16

Journal Article
In-state tuition rates and immigrants

The pros and cons of states? letting children of illegal immigrants pay in-state tuition at public colleges.
Communities and Banking , Issue Spr , Pages 15-17

A portrait of New England's immigrants

This research report uses the most recent available data to construct a detailed demographic, labor, and socioeconomic portrait of New England?s immigrants. It is the latest in a series of publications from the Center on the movement of people into and out of our region. ; The report evaluates the size, relative share, settlement patterns, and national origins of the region?s immigrants, and explores how these have changed in recent decades. It then describes the demographic characteristics of the region?s foreign-born residents, and analyzes their labor force behavior. Finally, the report ...
New England Public Policy Center Research Report , Paper 08-2

Journal Article
New Hampshire’s minimum wage: potential economic impact of the increase

New Hampshire has increased its minimum wage for the first time in ten years?to $6.50 in September 2007 and to $7.25 in September 2008. Antoniya Owens weighs the likely impact on wages and employment.
Communities and Banking , Issue Win , Pages 23-25

Journal Article
A snapshot of New England's immigrants: stocks, flows, and origins, 1990–2006

In recent years New England has experienced both net domestic outmigration and slow native population growth. Counteracting these trends, however, is the continued influx of immigrants from abroad. As a result, foreign-born residents play an increasingly important role in replenishing the region?s population and labor force. This article provides a snapshot of the size, recent growth, national origins, and period of arrival of the region?s foreign-born population.
New England Economic Indicators , Issue Mar , Pages 2-5

Discussion Paper
The potential economic impact of increasing the minimum wage in New Hampshire

This paper estimates the potential economic impact of New Hampshire?s new state minimum wage law on the state?s aggregate employment and wages. According to the analysis, the minimum wage increase would raise the wages of 26,000 workers in the state and would have a negative impact on employment ranging from 300 to 1,500 jobs, which is between 1 percent and 6 percent of workers directly affected by the law. On net, the combined impact of both stages of the increase would raise aggregate wages by approximately $17.4 million. The analysis here focuses on workers with hourly wages between $5.15 ...
New England Public Policy Center Discussion Paper , Paper 07-2

Who are the uninsured, and why are they uninsured?

Since 2000, the number of uninsured Americans, both nationally and in New England, has risen by nearly 20 percent. In 2005, 46.6 million Americans and 1.5 million New Englanders lacked health insurance. For millions more Americans, the prospect of losing coverage is a tangible and real concern.
New England Public Policy Center Policy Brief , Issue Mar