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Author:Oppedahl, David B. 

Farmland values and credit conditions

Although the droughts effects on the Seventh Federal Reserve District lingered, the year-over-year increase in agricultural land values only eased to 13 percent in the third quarter of 2012. In addition, there was a quarterly gain of 5 percent in the value of good farmlandactually much larger than the increase of the previous quarter. According to the 223 responses provided for the October 1 survey, the Districts agricultural land values were expected to continue rising in the fourth quarter of 2012.
Agricultural Letter , Issue Nov

Is there still an investment overhang, and if so, should we worry about it?

Chicago Fed Letter , Issue May

Farm Income’s Impact on the Midwest Economy

While farm income has long been an important driver of Midwestern economic activity, the influence of the agricultural sector had been waning until the boom in crop prices of 2004?13. More recently, a reversal in crop prices, along with other factors, has led incomes from crop farming to decline. Against this backdrop, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago held a conference on November 17, 2014, to examine the role of farm income in the Midwest economy.
Chicago Fed Letter

Technology’s Impact on Farming and the Rural Midwest

On November 27, 2018, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago held a conference to explore the opportunities and challenges presented by new technologies to farms and rural areas in the Midwest and other parts of the U.S. Experts from academia, industry, and policy institutions gathered to discuss how technological advances have reshaped the rural economy and how they may affect its future.
Chicago Fed Letter

Rising farmland values: causes and cautions

On November 15, 2011, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago held a conference to explore what has been driving the large and rapid increases in Midwest farmland values. Academics, industry representatives, and regulators presented their views on the factors contributing to these gains, as well as the potential risks posed by them.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Feb

Working Paper
The Supply and Demand of Agricultural Loans

Credit plays a critical role in the agricultural sector, but many studies suggest that farmers are credit constrained. We examine the degree to which changes in non-real-estate agricultural loans at commercial banks are driven by changes in supply and demand, using information provided by agricultural lending surveys conducted by the Federal Reserve Banks of Chicago, Kansas City, and Minneapolis. Building on recent studies of loan officer opinion surveys, we estimate the changes in agricultural loan supply and demand using an unbalanced panel of 1,024 banks across 191 quarters ...
Research Working Paper , Paper RWP 22-06

The binational Great Lakes economy

Chicago Fed Letter , Issue May

Improving Midwest Agriculture and the Environment

On November 20, 2019, the Chicago Fed held a conference to examine environmental issues related to Midwest agriculture, with a particular focus on conservation practices. Experts from academia, the farming and food industries, and policy institutions gathered to discuss how to keep the region’s farms economically viable while improving the sustainability of its natural resources.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue 431

Working Paper
Oil prices and inflation

Working Papers , Paper 9510

The Downturn in Agriculture: Implications for the Midwest and the Future of Farming

Prices for key agricultural products have fallen from their peaks in recent years, while input costs have not fallen as much. Consequently, many farm operations in the Midwest have had lower revenues and thinner profit margins?and some even losses. On November 29, 2016, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago held a conference to examine the agricultural downturn in the Midwest and discuss future directions for farming.
Chicago Fed Letter


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