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Working Paper
Money, inflation and the expected real interest rate
Working Paper
When and how much to talk: credibility and flexibility in monetary policy with private information
This paper analyzes how noisy or imprecise announcements might partially remove the inefficiencies resulting from the credibility problem in monetary policy when the presence of non-verifiable private information adds another dimension to that problem. The analysis finds that imprecise or noisy announcements can be a meaningful form of communication only if it is possible to "tie" the hands of the monetary authority somehow. To the extent that it is otherwise efficient for policy to react to the monetary authority?s private information, such announcements can be extremely costly in terms of ...
Working Paper
Strategic discipline in monetary policy with private information: optimal targeting periods
This paper analyzes the optimal choice of the length of time over which the monetary authority targets money growth, in a setting where the monetary authority?s lack of credibility potentially gives rise to an inflationary bias. When the monetary authority has some private information-e.g. a private forecast-that obscures the relevance of reputational considerations and the effectiveness of legislation to enforce the efficient policy, the targeting procedure serves as a device to diminish the inflationary bias while providing the monetary authority limited flexibility to react to its private ...