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Author:Ody, Christopher 

Discussion Paper
Measuring U.S. credit card borrowing: an analysis of the G.19's estimate of consumer revolving credit

This paper describes the Federal Reserve System?s monthly estimate of revolving consumer credit as published in the G.19 statistical release. It analyzes the source data, sampling methods, and calculations on which this estimate currently relies. In addition, it proposes a framework for analyzing the revolving credit statistic and suggests modifications to how the estimate is calculated and presented. The paper concludes that the revolving credit estimate is highly accurate and proposes that the System consider five modifications that would improve its usefulness to researchers.
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers , Paper 06-03

Discussion Paper
Another look at credit card pricing and its disclosure: Is the semi-annual pricing data reported by credit card issuers to the Fed helpful to consumers or researchers?

Credit Card Pricing Developments and Their Disclosure,? a January 2003 Payment Cards Center Discussion Paper, examined the history and dynamics of credit card pricing and how such pricing is described to consumers in Truth in Lending solicitation disclosures. In this paper, we examine credit card pricing as revealed to consumers in a different context: that of a semiannual shopping guide that the Board of Governors publishes pursuant to the Truth in Lending Act. Specifically, we ask two questions: Are the data on credit card pricing in the guide useful to consumers? Are the data collected for ...
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers , Paper 06-08

Discussion Paper
Forum on validation of consumer credit risk models

On November 19, 2004, the Payment Cards Center and Wharton?s Financial Institutions Center co-sponsored a conference, "Forum on Validation of Consumer Credit Risk Models." The conference brought together leading academics, policymakers, and industry experts to discuss the general principles management can use as keys for effective model validation and risk assessment in a dynamic environment. The conference agenda links to presentations where available.
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers , Paper 05-05


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