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Author:Nelson, William R. 

Journal Article
Criteria for central bank assets: lessons from pre-ECB Germany

The Deutsche Bundesbank was formed in July 1957, when the two-tier central bank system set up following World War II was consolidated. That previous system had been established by the Allies in imitation of the Federal Reserve System and consisted of independent regional banks (the Land Central Banks) and a governing body. Under the new system, the Land Central Banks became offices of the Bundesbank. As was true under the previous system, the Bundesbank was made independent of the federal cabinet by law and was particularly proscribed from lending to the public sector except for short terms. ...
New England Economic Review , Issue Q 2 , Pages 29-32

Working Paper
The aggregate change in shares and the level of stock prices

The average change in shares of equity is negatively correlated with estimates of the equity premium calculated using the dividend-ratio model of Campbell and Shiller, as well as with a variant of the model written in terms of the earnings-price ratio. This correlation is consistent with corporations issuing equity when it is a relatively inexpensive source of finance and repurchasing equity when it is a relatively good investment. However, when the retirement of shares resulting from mergers are included, the average change in shares is no longer significantly correlated with the equity ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 1999-08

Journal Article
Profits and balance sheet developments at U.S. commercial banks in 1996

U.S. commercial banks had another very good year in 1996. Profits posted strong growth, preserving the high levels of return on equity and return on assets that have prevailed over the past four years. Helping to boost profits were continued strong growth of interest-earning assets, a slight widening of the net interest margin, significant gains in noninterest income, and continued containment of noninterest expenses. Return on assets edged up despite a slight increase in provisioning for loan and lease losses relative to assets. Delinquency and charge-off rates stayed low for business loans ...
Federal Reserve Bulletin , Volume 83 , Issue Jun

Working Paper
The Demand for Short-Term, Safe Assets and Financial Stability: Some Evidence and Implications for Central Bank Policies

A number of researchers have recently argued that the growth of the shadow banking system in the years preceding the recent U.S. financial crisis was driven by rising demand for "money-like" claims--short-term, safe instruments (STSI)--from institutional investors and nonfinancial firms. These instruments carry a money premium that lowers their yields. While government securities are an important part of the supply of STSI, financial intermediaries also take advantage of this money premium when they issue certain types of low-risk, short-term debt, such as asset-backed commercial paper or ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2014-102

Journal Article
Criteria for central bank assets: lessons from pre-ECB France

The Banque de France was founded in 1800 to discount bills and issue currency. Initially, it was a private institution run by its stockholders. The Banque was nationalized in 1936 and its governing council was staffed by officials with a mandate to represent various interests in society. The Banque's autonomy was largely restored in 1973, and the Banque became officially independent in 1994. Whereas the Banque had originally lent appreciable sums to the Treasury, such lending was scheduled to be eliminated beginning in 1993 as part of the move toward monetary union. At that time the monetary ...
New England Economic Review , Issue Q 2 , Pages 33-34

Journal Article
Profits and balance sheet developments at U.S. commercial banks in 1997

U.S. commercial banks had another excellent year in 1997. Their return on equity remained in the elevated range that it has occupied for five consecutive years, and their return on assets reached a new high. Banks maintained their profitability while also adding significantly to assets. The year's strong economic growth increased the demand for credit; banks more than met that demand, gaining market share. In addition, banks departed from the pattern of recent years by sharply increasing their holdings of securities. Compared with 1996, banks earned a somewhat lower average rate on their ...
Federal Reserve Bulletin , Volume 84 , Issue Jun

Working Paper
Evidence of excess returns on firms that issue or repurchase equity

Between 1927 and 1992, portfolios of the stock of the 5 percent of firms with the lowest annual growth in shares outstanding (generally a reduction in shares outstanding) posted returns over the subsequent five years that averaged 12 percentage points more per year than the returns to portfolios of the 5 percent of firms with the highest annual growth in shares. The difference in returns is greater in more recent years and was positive for all of the final 33 years of the sample. The difference is apparent for portfolios of firms of all sizes and industries. The market beta of the returns to ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 1999-06

Journal Article
Proposed Revision to the Federal Reserve's Discount Window Lending Programs

The Board of Governors' Regulation A currently authorizes the Federal Reserve Banks to operate three main discount window programs: adjustment credit, extended credit, and seasonal credit. On May 17, 2002, the Board published for public comment a proposed amendment to Regulation A that would establish two new discount window programs called primary credit and secondary credit as replacements for adjustment and extended credit. Primary credit would be available for very short terms, ordinarily overnight, to depository institutions that are in generally sound financial condition. Secondary ...
Federal Reserve Bulletin , Volume 88 , Issue 7 , Pages pp. 313-319

Journal Article
Recent changes to the Federal Reserve's survey of terms of business lending

The Federal Reserve's quarterly Survey of Terms of Business Lending, which has been conducted for more than twenty years, collects information on interest rates and other characteristics of commercial bank business loans. The survey has been changed from time to time to recognize innovations in bank lending practices and to improve the measurement of the desired information. The most recent changes took effect with the May 1997 survey. The major improvement was the addition of an item measuring loan risk. In addition, the reporting panel, which had been limited to domestically chartered ...
Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Aug

Conference Paper
Bank risk rating of business loans

Proceedings , Paper 619


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