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Journal Article
The changing influence of market structure on performance in rural banking markets 1985 through 2005.
This study analyzes the impact of market concentration on the performance of banks in rural banking markets and attempts to determine if the influence of market concentration has changed over the last 20 years. It offers some evidence that the relationship between traditional measures of market concentration and bank performance may be changing, which may have implications for the application of antitrust policy in markets of this type.
Journal Article
New Community Reinvestment Act regulation : what have been the effects?
Effective January 1, 1996, the federal financial supervisory agencies (agencies) implemented their new Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) regulations. The new regulations currently apply to small institutions; they will apply to large institutions in 1997. ; In adopting their new regulations, the agencies sought to address complaints voiced by banks and the public about burden, relevancy, and consistency of CRA regulation under the agencies' old supervisory approach. To judge the new regulation's success in addressing these complaints, we surveyed 38 small Tenth District member banks examined ...
Journal Article
Tenth District banking conditions: 1987 - a year of transition
Journal Article
Bank profits in a changing environment
Journal Article
Community Reinvestment Act lending : is it profitable?
In 1977, Congress passed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) to encourage federally insured depository institutions to lend in low- to moderate-income neighborhoods and to low- to moderate-income people. Since then, the profitability of the many special lending programs designed to achieve these goals has been questioned on both theoretical and practical grounds. ; The study examines the CRA loan profitability issue in the context of home mortgage lending. We surveyed 97 large institutions to explore profitability differences between their CRA and conventional home mortgage lending. ; ...
Journal Article
Corporate governance : where do Tenth District community banks stand?
Troubles at publicly traded companies have led to the passage of recently enacted laws that add more rigor and formality to the corporate governance process. Most of these reform proposals and new laws focus on protecting investors in publicly traded firms. Relatively few Tenth District community banks, however, are publicly traded or are subject to new laws that would require them to change their corporate governance practices. Indeed, many are small in asset size, family-owned, closely held, and owner-managed. Given these characteristics, the governance process at community banks tends to ...
Journal Article
Banking conditions in the Tenth District
Journal Article
Three decades of banking
Journal Article
The 2001 survey of commercial banks in the Tenth Federal Reserve District : changes and challenges
Periodically, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City surveys District bankers for their views on a variety of matters. In February 2001, we solicited banker opinion on a number of topics pertaining to deposit and loan competition, management and staffing challenges, Internet banking activities, funding options, operational issues, the effects of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, and near-term prospects. ; This essay briefly discusses the Tenth Districts geography, economics, and demographics and thereby provides context for the survey responses we received. It introduces subsequent articles that ...