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Ensuring That Your Voice Is Heard
Amanda Michaud, an economist and research officer at the St. Louis Fed, talks about life as an economist and her research on criminal justice policies and labor markets.
Working Paper
Expanding Unemployment Insurance Coverage
This paper develops a quantitative framework to study the impact of Unemployment Insurance (UI) expansions to workers earning below eligibility thresholds. A model of how UI affects welfare and labor supply is developed and calibrated with microeconomic data, including consumption. The model predicts that the current ineligible would choose to stay on UI longer than the current eligible and the margins of why this is the case are quantified. The model is applied to the Great Recession by identifying ineligible workers in the data using machine learning and to an actual expansion during ...
Working Paper
Quits, Layoffs, and Labor Supply
We develop a time series of quits and layoffs using the Current Population Survey, and analyze their relationship with labor supply decisions over the business cycle. Our findings challenge the assumption that most labor force exits from employment are voluntary quits. Instead, we show that 40% of these exits are precipitated by layoffs. With this distinction, we find both quits to non-participation and the share of workers exiting after a layoff falls during recessions. A workhorse search model is used to frame how these facts add nuance to our understanding of business cycles. Additional ...
Journal Article
Expanded Unemployment Programs Likely Slowed the Decline in Unemployment Claims During the Pandemic Recovery
The typical Pandemic Unemployment Assistance claimant claimed 9.5 to 11.5 more weeks of benefit payments than an individual claiming through regular state programs.
Working Paper
Dynamics of Deterrence: A Macroeconomic Perspective on Punitive Justice Policy
We argue that transitional dynamics play a critical role in evaluating the effects of punitive incarceration reform on crime, inequality, and labor markets. Individuals’ past choices regarding crime and employment under previous policies have persistent consequences that limit their responsiveness to policy changes. We provide novel cohort evidence supporting this mechanism. A quantitative model of this theory, calibrated using restricted administrative data, predicts nuanced dynamics of crime and incarceration that are distinct across property and violent crime and similar to the U.S. ...
Working Paper
Occupational hazards and social disability insurance
Using retrospective data, we introduce evidence that occupational exposure significantly affects disability risk. Incorporating this into a general equilibrium model, social disability insurance (SDI) affects welfare through (i) the classic, risk-sharing channel and (ii) a new channel of occupational reallocation. Both channels can increase welfare, but at the optimal SDI they are at odds. Welfare gains from additional risk-sharing are reduced by overly incentivizing workers to choose risky occupations. In a calibration, optimal SDI increases welfare by 2.6% relative to actuarially fair ...
Journal Article
Safe Occupations Are Growing
Health problems and disability claims have declined in the fastest-growing occupations.
Remote Work Buoyed Employment for Those Vulnerable to Severe COVID-19
In 2020, workers at risk for severe COVID-19 illness didn’t experience a sharper drop in labor participation than nonvulnerable workers.
Working Paper
Online Appendix: Dynamics of Deterrence: A Macroeconomic Perspective on Punitive Justice Policy
This online appendix accompanies Institute Working Paper 101: Dynamics of Deterrence: A Macroeconomic Perspective on Punitive Justice Policy.