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Journal Article
Now and then: the evolution of loan quality for U.S. banks
Although loan quality in the U.S. banking industry deteriorated in recent years, a comparison with the banking crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s suggests that the industry is in a far better position today than it was a decade ago. The percentage of troubled loans is lower, loan quality problems are confined principally to large-bank commercial and industrial lending, and credit weakness is concentrated in a small number of borrower industries.
Journal Article
The evolution of U.S. bank branch networks: growth, consolidation, and strategy
Bank branches have become steadily more concentrated within large and midsized branch networks over the past decade. A look at branching trends between 2001 and 2003 reveals that banks with large networks grew slowly and strategically during this period as they adjusted their branch holdings within existing markets, while institutions with midsized branch networks expanded more aggressively.