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Working Paper
More Trade, Less Diffusion: Technology Transfers and the Dynamic Effects of Import Liberalization
How does international trade affect technology diffusion? We show that tariff increases in Brazil lead to more international technology transfers to Brazilian firms and more citations to foreign patents. The highest increase in citations occurs among firms located near those receiving technology transfers, and it is driven largely by citations to firms transferring technology to Brazil. These findings suggest that import tariffs can facilitate the diffusion of foreign technology by promoting technology transfers. We quantify this effect in a growth model that incorporates trade, technology ...
Working Paper
Financial Crises and the Global Supply Network: Evidence from Multinational Enterprises
This paper empirically examines the effects of financial crises on the organization of production of multinational enterprises. We construct a panel of European multinational networks from 2003 through 2015. We use as a financial shock the increase in risk premia between August 2007 and July 2012 and build a multinational-specific shock based on the network structure before the shock. Multinationals facing a larger financial shock perform worse in terms of revenue, employment, and growth in the number of affiliates. Lower growth in the number of affiliates operates through a negative effect ...
Working Paper
The Heterogeneous Effects of Trade across Occupations: A Test of the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem
This paper develops and implements a novel test of the Stolper-Samuelson theorem. We use nationally-representative matched employer-employee panel data from 1997 through 2015 to study the effect of the rise in China’s exports on French worker earnings. Our version of the Stolper-Samuelson theorem states that there is a negative correlation between occupation exposure to Chinese competition and change in worker earnings. First, we document substantial heterogeneity in trade adjustment across occupations. Then, consistent with the Stolper-Samuelson prediction, we show that workers initially ...
Working Paper
Income-Driven Labor-Market Polarization
We propose a mechanism for labor-market polarization based on the nonhomotheticity of demand that we call the income-driven channel. Our mechanism builds on a novel empirical fact: expenditure elasticities and production intensities in low- and high-skill occupations are positively correlated across sectors. Thus, as income grows, demand shifts towards expenditure-elastic sectors, and the relative demand for low- and high-skill occupations increases, causing labor-market polarization. A calibrated general-equilibrium model suggests this mechanism accounts for 90% and 35% of the increase in ...
Working Paper
The Stable Transformation Path
Standard dynamic models of structural transformation, without knife-edge and counterfactual parameter values, preclude balanced growth path (BGP) analysis. This paper develops a dynamic equilibrium concept for a more general class of models | an alternative to a BGP, which we coin a Stable Transformation Path (STraP). The STraP characterizes the medium-term dynamics of the economy in a turnpike sense; it is the path toward which the economy (quickly) converges from an arbitrary initial capital stock. Calibrated simulations demonstrate that the relaxed parameter values that the STraP allows ...