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Author:McCallum, Bennett T. 

Journal Article
Japanese monetary policy, 1991-2001

Economic Quarterly , Volume 89 , Issue Win , Pages 1-31

Journal Article
Unit roots in macroeconomic time series: some critical issues

Economic Quarterly , Issue Spr , Pages 13-44

Working Paper
Targeting vs. instrument rules for monetary policy

Svensson (2003) argues strongly that specific targeting rules*first order optimality conditions for a specific objective function and model*are normatively superior to instrument rules for the conduct of monetary policy. That argument is based largely upon four main objections to the latter plus a claim concerning the relative interest-instrument variability entailed by the two approaches. The present paper considers the four objections in turn, and advances arguments that contradict all of them. Then in the paper*s analytical sections, it is demonstrated that the variability claim is ...
Working Papers , Paper 2004-011

Journal Article
The case for rules in the conduct of monetary policy: a concrete example

A policy rule can be activist; the distinction between rules and discretion depends on the stage at which optimization calculations enter the policy process. Here a specific monetary rule is proposed, one that sets the monetary base each quarter in a manner designed to keep nominal aggregate demand growing smoothly at a noninflationary rate. Simulations with a simple estimated model suggest that the proposed rule would have performed well over the period 1954-85, despite financial innovations and regulatory change.
Economic Review , Volume 73 , Issue Sep , Pages 10-18

Conference Paper
Performance of operational policy rules in an estimated semi-classical structural model

Proceedings , Issue Mar

Working Paper
Money stock control with reserve and interest rate instruments under rational expectations

Working Papers , Paper 8201

Working Paper
Monetary and fiscal theories of the price level: the irreconcilable differences

The fiscal theory of the price level (FTPL) has attracted much attention but disagreement remains concerning its defining characteristics. Some writers have emphasized implications regarding interest-rate pegging and determinacy of RE solutions, whereas others have stressed its capacity to generate equilibria in which price level trajectories mimic those of bonds and differ drastically from those of money supplies. We argue that the FTPL attained prominence precisely because it appeared to provide a theory whose implications differ greatly from conventional monetary analysis; accordingly we ...
Working Papers , Paper 2006-010

Journal Article
Macroeconomics after a decade of rational expectations : some critical issues

An abstract for this article is not available.
Economic Review , Volume 68 , Issue Nov , Pages 3-12

Working Paper
Identification of inflation-unemployment tradeoffs in the 1970s

Working Paper Series, Macroeconomic Issues , Paper 94-16


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