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Author:Mahidhara, Ramamohan 

Journal Article
Hog butchers no longer: 20 years of employment change in metropolitan Chicago

Economic Perspectives , Volume 15 , Issue Mar

Working Paper
Sensitivity of the Chicago Region Econometric Input-Output Model [ CREIM] to alternative sources of interindustry relationships

Working Paper Series, Regional Economic Issues , Paper 95-16

Working Paper
Regional labor fluctuations: oil shocks, military spending, and other driving forces

We quantify the contribution of various driving forces to state-level movements in unemployment rates and employment growth from 1956 to 1992. Our story of regional fluctuations in the U.S. economy has a large cast of players -- including government contract awards and the basing of military personnel -- but oil price shocks have been the leading actor since 1973. Beyond the magnitude and abruptness of oil price movements, the explanation for their pronounced regional effects has three essential elements: (i) regions differ in industry mix, (ii) industries differ in sensitivity to movements ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 578

Journal Article
Chicago's economy: twenty years of structural change

Economic Perspectives , Volume 14 , Issue Mar

Chicago's economic transformation from 1970 to 2000

Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Aug

Working Paper
Forecasting with regional input-output tables

Working Paper Series, Regional Economic Issues , Paper 92-20